php Programming Glossary: wholetext
What regex pattern do I need for this? replaceRules array_values replaceRules childNode wholeText node replaceChild childNode new DOMTextNode text else process..
find and replace keywords by hyperlinks in an html fragment, via php dom tag dexia Dexia a ' replaced str_replace 'Dexia' link node wholeText newNode dom createDocumentFragment newNode appendXML replaced.. node will contain the string The CEO of the Dexia bank for wholeText despite it being inside the P element. That is because the node.. word boundary that would be a good call for Regex in the wholeText with it. Then I create a DocumentFragment from the resulting..
Regex / DOMDocument - match and replace text not in a link node replaced str_ireplace 'match this text' 'MATCH' node wholeText newNode dom createDocumentFragment newNode appendXML replaced..
Why does count(DOMNode->childNodes) return an incorrect number of children? (PHP and XML) [closed] type directory fstored uploads . target childNodes item 0 wholeText unlink fstored node removeChild target file fopen structure.xml..
Convert spaces between PRE tags, via DOM parser remaining textNode while nextSpace strpos remaining wholeText ' ' FALSE remaining remaining splitText nextSpace remaining..