php Programming Glossary: whatnot
correct way to upload image to database the image from the database aside from all the queries and whatnot this is the main part that is calling the image header Content..
Typo3 V6: How to create a content element container? (without TV) invest a lot of learning time in a solution like flux and whatnot http looks cool but also too timeconsuming for now..
PHP: get remote file size with strlen? (html) strlen html I was looking at PHP docs for fsockopen and whatnot and they say you can't use filesize on a remote file without..
How to detect new Machine like Facebook? 2. is never achievable without you installing plugins or whatnot we are left with 1. Exploring the cookies I have with Facebook..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise into the down and dirty of non blocking file access and whatnot. If you want a non blocking implementation but you would rather..
Repeating Events on the “nth” Weekday of Every Month still need to revamp the system with Exception events and whatnot but it works for the time being . But we want to be able to..
Create array printed with print_r into an actual array. Obviously it's somewhat hacky and whatnot but it works on my testcase. Here's a link to a functioning..
Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones and then activate it and register its routes and DI and whatnot. Unnecessary hardcore decision making process. Sometimes you..