php Programming Glossary: wikipedia
How does RecursiveIteratorIterator work in PHP? implements the RecursiveIterator interface see Iterator in Wikipedia for the general principles types semantics and patterns of iterators...
Algorithm to get all possible string combinations from array up to certain length ... 6 6 7 11 8 12 ... 11 15 12 16 13 21 ... 36 56 From the Wikipedia link above the first digit of the number in the new base is..
How do I convert a script using mysql_ functions to use mysqli_ functions? these articles on prepared statements and their benefits Wikipedia Prepared Statements MySQLi Prepared Statements Note..
What is the best way to validate a credit card in PHP? Luhn algorithm for checksums Luhn Algorithm described on Wikipedia There are links to many implementations on the Wikipedia link.. Wikipedia There are links to many implementations on the Wikipedia link including PHP Luhn algorithm number checker c 2005 2008..
PHP & mySQL: Year 2038 Bug: What is it? How to solve it? Possible solutions Other Possible solutions described on Wikipedia Are there any possible alternatives to using it which do not.. Resources The Year 2038 Bug Year 2038 Problem Wikipedia The Internet Will End in 30 Years share improve this answer..
How does PHP Work? back usually in HTML. php share improve this question Wikipedia is always a great resource of information. I suggest Server..
php: recreate and display an image from binary data encoding base64 data This example is straight from the Wikipedia page on data URIs php function data_uri file mime contents file_get_contents..
UTF-8 BOM signature in PHP files I don't know that much about it except from what I saw on Wikipedia and on some other similar questions here on SO. I know that..
PHP short circuit lazy evaluation, where is it in the manual? is it stated loud and clear in the PHP manual I found only Wikipedia as the only 'trusted' source that say PHP does lazy evaluation..
Why the hash part of the URL is not in the server side? PHP or any other server side technology . Here's what Wikipedia says about it The fragment identifier functions differently..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? . But what is bcrypt PHP doesn't offer any such functions Wikipedia babbles about a file encryption utility and Web searches just..
Automatic clean and SEO friendly URL (slugs) clean and SEO friendly URL slugs Definition From Wikipedia A slug is the part of a URL which identifies a page using human..
Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP which just returns the tagName of a DOMNode in brackets Wikipedia and the text of textnodes as is. That's what your output needs..
Encrypt php code now free but you should find something useful here About Wikipedia article PHP Accelerator Comparison of APC Zend xCache the Zend..
How to make a redirect in PHP? the header function in PHP What the PHP manual says What Wikipedia says What the W3C says 4. Alternatives You may use the alternative..
How to get results from the Wikipedia API with PHP? to get results from the Wikipedia API with PHP I'm probably not supposed to use file_get_contents..
Is APC compatible with PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5? product that we all rely on. Alternative solutions exist Wikipedia provides a list of PHP accelerators . On the 13th of February..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables 1 Joining two or more tables using an inner join See the wikipedia entry for additional info How to use a union query Left and..
Why use sprintf function in PHP? Google for printf and you'll find plenty of examples. The wikipedia article on printf should get you started. share improve this..
Is PHP compiled or interpreted?
preventing csrf in php cookies Checking the HTTP Referer header saw this post on wikipedia and was wondering how I can apply them ok...I am using the Kohana..
Back button re-submit form data ($_POST)
What is the HMVC pattern? does. The page about this in Kohana's docs and the one on wikipedia didn't really give me a clear idea. So question what is the..
PHP extract GPS EXIF data convert them to standard ones like 46°56 8 ³N 7°26 9 ³E from wikipedia I would like to pass thoses coordinates to the google maps api.. exif share improve this question According to http wiki Geotagging 0 46 1 1 5403 100 2 0 1 should mean 46 1..
Models in the Zend Framework
Historical security flaws of popular PHP CMS's? CMS made simple Joomla Drupal ModX More information On the wikipedia page and on the OWASP project . Bad password storing Description.. simple Mura CMS Drupal ModX More information You can check wikipedia and OWASP . You also have a lot of XSS vector on ha.ckers page...
php display number with ordinal suffix code php numbers share improve this question from wikipedia ends array 'th' 'st' 'nd' 'rd' 'th' 'th' 'th' 'th' 'th' 'th'..
Convert English numbers to Arabic numerals well. I don't need bogus ideas. http wikipedia commons thumb 2 21 Arabic_numerals en.svg 500px Arabic_numerals..
PHP HSV to RGB formula comprehension how do you convert HSV to RGB in PHP The following is on wikipedia but I don't understand it I'm guessing it's pretty obvious ..
PHP class: Global variable as property in class so you really shouldn't do this. Have a read through the wikipedia article on encapsulation basically your object should ideally..
Convert SVG image to PNG with PHP sales territory map Start http wikipedia commons 3 32 Blank_US_Map.svg Finish Edit Since writing the..
Prevent Back button from showing POST confirmation alert a page which redirects to a GET see Post Redirect Get on wikipedia . Say your POST is 4K of form data. Presumably your server does..
How to get results from the Wikipedia API with PHP? like to keep it simple. Warning file_get_contents http w api.php action query titles Your_Highness prop revisions.. failed HTTP 1.0 403 Forbidden php file get contents wikipedia api share improve this question The problem you are running.. ' context stream_context_create opts url 'http w api.php action query titles Your_Highness prop revisions..
how to implement a decorator in PHP?
PHP/GD - Cropping and Resizing Images php Usage Examples Image 'http wikipedia commons 4 47 PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png' '1 1' '600x'.. '1 1' '600x' Image 'http wikipedia commons 4 47 PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png' '2 1' '600x'.. '2 1' '600x' Image 'http wikipedia commons 4 47 PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png' '2 ' '250x300'..