php Programming Glossary: whitelist
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? It handles the most common use for data values. But can't whitelist column name table identifiers help with dynamic clause construction..
Strict HTML Validation and Filtering in PHP PHP I'm looking for best practices for performing strict whitelist validation filtering of user submitted HTML. Main purpose is..
URL rewriting in PHP without htaccess url in an array Be careful with including the files use a whitelist so you're sure nobody would be able to load internal files...
Cross Domain Single Selective Sign In it's a special purpose provider that can have its own whitelist of sites it always works with. OpenID would be purely behind..
PHP DOMDocument - get html source of BODY as XSS with a thoroughly audited secure yet permissive whitelist it will also make sure your documents are standards compliant..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] of Toontown's SpeedChat where even using a safe word whitelist resulted in a 14 year old quickly circumventing it with I want..
How to close unclosed HTMl Tags? as XSS with a thoroughly audited secure yet permissive whitelist it will also make sure your documents are standards compliant..
Best way to avoid code injection in PHP security injection share improve this question Use a whitelist and make sure the page is in the whitelist whitelist array 'home'.. Use a whitelist and make sure the page is in the whitelist whitelist array 'home' 'page' if in_array _GET 'page' whitelist.. Use a whitelist and make sure the page is in the whitelist whitelist array 'home' 'page' if in_array _GET 'page' whitelist include..
PHP image upload security check list file_ext strrchr filename '.' check if its allowed or not whitelist array .jpg .jpeg .gif .png if in_array file_ext whitelist die.. whitelist array .jpg .jpeg .gif .png if in_array file_ext whitelist die 'not allowed extension please upload images only' check..
How to embed my own video player in Facebook? get your Flash player approved by submitting a video embed whitelist request . Once this is approved which took 4 hours for me when..
Push notifications server implementation connection made from your account. Is there a way you can whitelist your dedicated ip or accept incoming connections on their end..
phpunit throws Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception Test Suite directory . directory testsuite filter whitelist directory suffix .php .. application directory exclude directory.. application controllers ErrorController.php file exclude whitelist filter logging log type coverage html target . log reprot charset..
Is strip_tags() vulnerable to scripting attacks? to a strip_tags '...' call without a second argument for whitelisted tags. First at all some theory about HTML tags a tag starts.. discarded. So the conclusion is strip_tags without a tag whitelist is safe for inclusion outside tags no tag will be allowed. By.. . The description for strip_tags without an whitelist argument would be Makes sure that no HTML tag exist in the returned..
What is so wrong with extract()? ONLY overwriting existing variables so you can create a whitelist EXTR_IF_EXISTS or adding prefixes to the variables EXTR_PREFIX_ALL..