

php Programming Glossary: window.activexobject

How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server


if window.XMLHttpRequest ajax new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject ajax new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP ajax.open 'POST' 'testSave.php'..

Passing multiple parameter to PHP from Javascript


Firefox Chrome Opera Safari return new XMLHttpRequest if window.ActiveXObject code for IE6 IE5 return new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..

XmlHTTPRequest: “XML Parsing Error: no element found”


oncomplete 'undefined' oncomplete function if typeof window.ActiveXObject 'undefined' http new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP http.onreadystatechange..

innerHTML in IE?


objXMLHttp new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject objXMLHttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP return objXMLHttp..

Why are $_POST variables getting escaped in PHP?


pageRequest new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject pageRequest new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP pageRequest.onreadystatechange..

send arrays of data from php to javascript


Mozilla Safari ... var xmlHttp new XMLHttpRequest else if window.ActiveXObject For Internet Explorer var xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP..

how to get cookies from a different domain with php and javascript


file var xmlHttp function createXMLHttpRequest if window.ActiveXObject xmlHttp new ActiveXObject Microsoft.XMLHTTP if window.XMLHttpRequest..