php Programming Glossary: whole
How foreach actually works end of the array after the loop. Is this correct and the whole story If not what is it really doing Is there any situation.. before traversing the array. But that's obviously not the whole story. Whether or not PHP will actually do the copy depends..
PHP Sessions across sub domains the right one out later I mean walk it thru with me The whole thing here is to be able to identify the specific user so they.. login multiple times for each subdomain which defeats the whole point of having the session in the mysql database because we..
Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way which does support recursive queries so you could fetch a whole tree stored in the way you show. But if you can't change the.. ancestor node in its tree. Then it's easy to fetch a whole tree in one query SELECT FROM site WHERE root_id 123 Then your..
Replace URLs in text with HTML links print pre To properly escape and characters I throw the whole text through htmlspecialchars before processing. This is not..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables of SQL Server see info and part of the reason I wrote this whole thing in the first place. Part 2 Subqueries what they are where..
Can you “compile” PHP code? server and then that byte code can be cached so that the whole script doesn't have to be re interpreted with every web access...
Getting raw SQL query string from PDO prepared statements interpolate parameters into the SQL query and sends the whole query when you execute . This is not a true prepared query...
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects it up in detail yet using a default template scanning the whole code base. The new revision is deployed to the remote location..
What is Output Buffering? stuff we can do with PHP strings we can now do with our whole HTML page as one variable. If you've ever encountered the message..
Calculate business days 29 days the equal sign is added here In the first case the whole interval is within a week in the second case the interval falls..
ACL implementation What you have to remember when making services is that the whole layer is supposed to be thin . There is no business logic in..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? a complete mess check_uri_permissions is a mess the whole permissions table is a bad idea a URI can change and render..
MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula) rows where the distance value is less than 25 orders the whole query by distance and limits it to 20 results. To search by..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? these days. I think it's based on the Zend model and the whole thing is very Java OOP like. There's two controllers you need..
How should a model be structured in MVC? is most likely trying to 'sell' another brand new ORM or a whole framework. What is a model In proper MVC the M contains all.. between views and controllers. Each view represents whole page in your website and it has a dedicated controller to handles..
Headers already sent by PHP BOM issues phptags whitespace .php It's sane to use on a whole include or project directory. Whitespace after If the error..