php Programming Glossary: wherever
How foreach actually works why you get the position of the internal array pointer wherever it was before the loop in this case it was at the first position..
Error logging, in a smooth way Now you are ready to spread the calls to your logger wherever an error occurs in your code. Lets look at a single call that..
How can I turn on PHP errors display on just a subfolder virtual hosts definition otherwise yes Directory path to wherever on filesystem IfModule mod_php5.c php_value error_reporting..
Stop using `global` in PHP to already have a variable config used for something else wherever you want to use SomeClass . So instead of creating implicit..
Verify receipt for in App purchase extra steps at app approval time. But I digress ... Then wherever you intend to kick off recording the transaction on your remote..
PHP 5.4: disable warning “Creating default object from empty value” doing the right thing and manually fixing your code wherever this misuse does appear because if nothing else it gets you..
How to log out users using Facebook Connect in PHP and Zend? out of this site and facebook You'll be redirected to wherever your logout script is try facebook expire_session catch FacebookRestClientException..
PHP, SimpleXML, decoding entities in CDATA What it effectively does is go through the document and wherever it encounters a CDATA section it takes the content escapes it..
php image upload errors [duplicate]
PHP & mySQL: Year 2038 Bug: What is it? How to solve it? to using it which do not pose a similar problem Try wherever possible to use large types for storing dates in databases 64..
Add 'Watermark' to images with php which generates a watermark on the fly and puts the mark wherever the background of the main image is the same color so the watermark..
CodeIgniter PHP stylesheet link. HOW? codeigniter share improve this question Put your CSS wherever you ™d like then target that url. Try putting it in the folder..
Serving images from outside of document root
Bulletin board - Database optimisation a PK use the full form. 24.2. Call location_id location_id wherever it is including the PK table. The exception is when you need.. . 30. Because State Town is the PK of Location carrying wherever. And it forms part of the Bulletin PK so any dependent tables..
Bitmask in PHP for settings? false converts to bitmask value to store in database or wherever bitmask perms toBitmask in this example it is 15 sql insert..
Compiling an AST back to source code as ABC17 . One way to solve this problem is to put a space wherever it is legal but people won't like the result too much whitespace...
PHP daylight saving time detection time detection I need to send an email to users based wherever in the world at 9 00 am local time. The server is in the UK...
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo as a unary prefix operator like or ~ . You can use print wherever a prefix operator can be used. Note this can get weird print..