php Programming Glossary: whatever
PHP Sessions across sub domains out the _SESSION variable it doesn't show both keys just whatever key I set under each domain. Edit 2 I updated Edit php authentication..
How to properly set up a PDO connection I just do something similar to this id 123 sql 'SELECT whatever FROM MyTable WHERE id id' qry con prepare sql qry bindParam..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 click the Create Application button. On this page fill in whatever details you want. For me it didn't matter because I just wanted..
What's the best method for sanitizing user input with PHP? idea. It's nonsense. Forget about filtering Or cleaning or whatever people call it . What you should do to avoid problems is quite..
Remove non-utf8 characters from string UTF 8 sequence but does not capture those. Replacement is whatever was captured into group 1. This effectively removes all invalid..
simple explanation PHP OOP vs Procedural?
isset() and empty() make code ugly about is if their value evaluates to true or false or whatever else . Regular variables anywhere foo null bar baz 'default..
using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function question Use .ajax to call a server context or URL or whatever to invoke a particular 'action'. What you want is something..
How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval? either so no loss there. Of course if your website or whatever the protected asset is doesn't need 77 bits of entropy for an..
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() an array backward compatibility not available source code whatever other reason I'm wondering which is the cleanest and most efficient..
UTF-8 all the way through Data Access In your application code e.g. PHP in whatever DB access method you use you'll need to set the connection charset.. no way around this as malicious clients can submit data in whatever encoding they want and I haven't found a trick to get PHP to.. should default to sending forms back to the server in whatever charset the server served but this is apparently only a recommendation..
Who needs singletons? [closed] up with a second monitor a second database a second server whatever. When this happens if you have used a static class you're in..
Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP 80. Now make your request just like your client would. GET whatever HTTP 1.0 But before sending CrLf CrLf include this next header..
Get $_POST from multiple checkboxes echo value 1 value 3 value 5. in your case it would echo whatever row 'Report ID' is equivalent to. share improve this answer..
What's better at freeing memory with PHP: unset() or $var = null or as late as before the script would run out of memory whatever occurs first. If you are doing whatever null then you are rewriting.. run out of memory whatever occurs first. If you are doing whatever null then you are rewriting variable's data. You might get memory..
Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8 what encoding the text uses 2 How to convert it to UTF 8 whatever the old encoding is Thanks in advance EDIT Would a function..
How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP [duplicate] as key row dates key row 0 of course replace 0 with whatever is the date field's index array_multisort dates SORT_DESC mdarray..
What do I need to store in the php session when user logged in? session_id . That is the only thing the client will know. Whatever you add into the session variable stays on the server and is..
Laravel - Using (:any?) wildcard for ALL routes? However my preferred method is #2. I hope this helps. Whatever you do make sure you define all your other routes above these..
PHP class def: Individual accessors/mutators or __set() with switch()? tried both and found these reasons to use the accessors Whatever you use to document your API doxygen PHPdoc Zend the generated..
How can I store my users' passwords safely? `s blog post You're Probably Storing Passwords Incorrectly Whatever you do if you go for the ' I'll do it myself thank you ' approach..
OOP design: How to incorporate DB handling into application objects reply as answer for it provides interesting reading. Whatever it's worth noting that I've found a very illustrative code snippet..
Wordpress add_meta_box() weirdness custom html code here for the post page header image area. Whatever you enter here will override the default post header or image..
Sending passwords over the web USE. HTTPS. With a proper non self signed certificate. Whatever you do identities that are authenticated in unencrypted communication..
How to get Client IP address in PHP? [duplicate] his her IP address. php share improve this question Whatever you do make sure not to trust data sent from the client. _SERVER..
Integrating external scripts with Zend Framework have your own library next to the Zend library folder. Whatever you call it Mylib Project ... you should include it into the..
What should every PHP programmer know? http http IDE Whatever suits you best http http http
Using the Data Mapper Pattern, Should the Entities (Domain Objects) know about the Mapper? any access to the mappers. Create Services Repositories Whatever to operate on the objects and utilize the appropriate techniques..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords anyone but yourself. Lastly I am not a cryptographer. Whatever I've said is my opinion but I happen to think it's based on..
Java SHA256 outputs different hash to PHP SHA256? running as otherwise I'd expect output such as B@e48e1b . Whatever you're doing to convert the byte array into a string change..
PHP: Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string [closed] procID php stdclass share improve this question Whatever the client start method is returning it is typed as an object...
MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?) that for you INSERT use your php variable here WARNING Whatever way of solving this you choose you must decide what should happen..
json_decode to custom class old fashioned route. data json_decode json true class new Whatever foreach data AS key value class key value Or alternatively you.. Or alternatively you could make that more automatic class Whatever public function set data foreach data AS key Value this key.. data foreach data AS key Value this key value class new Whatever class set data Edit getting a little fancier class JSONObject..
Commenting interpreted code and performance for doing this and it is often available in your IDE. Whatever you do leave your code commented where you work on it. Don't..
php/MySQL insert row then get 'id' 1 2 3 'blah' id mysql_insert_id See mysql_insert_id . Whatever you do don't insert and then do a SELECT MAX id FROM mytable..