php Programming Glossary: wildcards
How do I write Routing Chains for a Subdomain in Zend Framework in a routing INI file? have chains. Children of chained routes do not work with wildcards. See #ZF 6654 . Here's blog post that talks about why that may..
How to let PHP to create subdomain automatically for each user? a custom A record . I'm pretty sure that you can use wildcards when specifying A records which would let you do something like..
PHP/MySQL small-scale fuzzy search records 3 fields per record . Just doing something with wildcards doesn't seem logical with all of the possible spelling errors...
Php search string (with wildcards) search string with wildcards Is there a way to put a wildcard in a string The reason why..
Escaping MySQL wild cards . Since this function does not escape the MySQL wildcards and _ I am using addcslashes to escape these as well. When I.. escaping share improve this question _ and are not wildcards in MySQL in general and should not be escaped for the purposes..
When to use which string escaping method? It also does not encode and _ which are used as wildcards in some queries. In summary If you're encoding to write to a..
MySQL Prepared Statements 'Value for Column_1' 'Value for Column_2' id and with wildcards search 'John' q db prepare 'SELECT FROM Table WHERE Column_1..