php Programming Glossary: variable_name
MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds SELECT SLEEP 120 elapsed 60.051155090332 SHOW VARIABLES Variable_name Value auto_increment_increment 1 auto_increment_offset 1 autocommit..
PHP/MySQL with encoding problems from my PHP script with print_r outputs Array 0 Array Variable_name character_set_client 0 character_set_client Value latin1 1 latin1.. 0 character_set_client Value latin1 1 latin1 1 Array Variable_name character_set_connection 0 character_set_connection Value latin1.. 0 character_set_connection Value latin1 1 latin1 2 Array Variable_name character_set_database 0 character_set_database Value latin1..
PHP Max amount of inserts in one SQL query get your server's packet length limit SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name LIKE ' max_allowed_packet ' If your 3000 record version is longer..
How can I count the total number of MySQL queries used per page? number of queries run mysql SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Com_select' Variable_name Value Com_select 2 1 row in set 0.00 sec You might want..