php Programming Glossary: var_export
php mail on MAMP 'debug_mail_scripts.txt' date 'r' . ' ' . var_export func_get_args true FILE_APPEND And include the relevant one..
Set Authorization header using PHP and curl sent we debugged this by using a local url and doing a var_export _SERVER which shows a User Agent header is set but not the Authorization..
Sorting multidimensional array in PHP the part which stores the score value. By the way here's a var_export dump of the array after it was sorted array 0 array 'countries'..
Reading and Writing Configuration Files an array and then either use serialize unserialize or use var_export include to use it. Very basic example class MyConfig public.. public static function write filename array config config var_export config true file_put_contents filename php return config You..
PHP Array to String equivalent share improve this question Looks like you are after var_export Outputs or returns a parsable string representation of a variable..
Print array to a file php serialization share improve this question Either var_export or set print_r to return the output instead of printing it...
Get array's key recursively and create underscore seperated string 0 i key iterator getSubIterator i key . '_' . key keys key var_export keys The above example outputs something like array 0 'Student_Address_StreetAddress'..
Turn database result into array depth of 2 tree tax fetchTree 180130 2 dump out the array var_export tree toArrayDeep The output is as follows array 'tsn' '180130'..
When (if ever) is eval NOT evil? testing Interactive PHP shell Deserialization of trusted var_export Some template languages Creating backdoors for administers and..
Code Challenge - Convert var_dump of array back to array variable be done in an optimized and creative way. So serialize and var_export are not solutions here. Nor are they the best answers. php.. the best answers. php share improve this question var_export or serialize is what you're looking for. var_export will render.. var_export or serialize is what you're looking for. var_export will render a PHP parsable array syntax and serialize will render..
Code to upload Video from Android to PHP dirname target_path Y n N n . FILES contains n . var_export _FILES true now write msg somwhere you can read it This shuld..
Difference between var_dump,var_export & print_r between var_dump var_export print_r What is the difference between var_dump var_export.. print_r What is the difference between var_dump var_export and print_r php share improve this question var_dump is.. can be misleading otherwise Array 0 1 2 42 3 Array 0 42 var_export prints valid php code. Useful if you calculated some values..
Parse XML with Namespace using SimpleXML 06 service event' foreach xml xpath ' e event' as event var_export event xpath ' e sessionKey' php xml namespaces simplexml .. 'e' 'http schemas 2002 06 service event' var_export event xpath ' e sessionKey' The namespace should also be declared..
Unable to parse xml data with colon (:) from response using getNamespaces() here event registerXPathNamespace 'e' 'http api url' var_export event xpath ' e content' In this case too the code inside the..
PHP: Get all variables defined in current scope/symbol table the variables defined in the current scope Something like var_export GLOBALS but only showing variables in the current symbol table...
parse an XML with SimpleXML which has multiple namespaces like foreach xml xpath ' eb MessageHeader' as header var_export header xpath ' eb CPAId' Should output 'something'. You may..