php Programming Glossary: validate.php
PHP - retrieve name of script that included or required it required it Example script login.php has a require_once 'validate.php' ... validate.php is also called by a number of other scripts... script login.php has a require_once 'validate.php' ... validate.php is also called by a number of other scripts. Other than manually.. Other than manually setting a flag is there a way to have validate.php know which script is including requiring it php include require..
How to extract a node attribute from XML using PHP's DOM Parser
Simple Post-Redirect-Get code example Here's what I implemented The form.php has an action validate.php . The validate.php is never seen by the user if validates all.. implemented The form.php has an action validate.php . The validate.php is never seen by the user if validates all _GET and if valid.. is generated get stored in a _SESSION variable and then validate.php calls header 'Location as appropriate . The submitted.php of..
Forcing file download in PHP - inside Joomla framework include subnav.php if r 'custFormSubmitted' true include validate.php else include showForm.php break case 'delete' include subnav.php..
How to do a registration confirmation email which will expires within 24 hr This means thins link will look like http validate.php id HQGETBDC At the same time you record a piece of data in your..
Need help implementing PHP sessions in suPHP Check if user is validated. If not redirect to auth validate.php redirect where I came from If validated load the file mentioned..