php Programming Glossary: validates
Is there a php library for email address validation? Are there any PHP library preferably open source that validates email address php email open source email validation share..
form validation with javascript vs php page reloads since on submit the JS catches the event and validates the form preventing form submission if errors are found and..
How can I create a new Joomla user account from within a script? We've created a standalone PHP script that processes and validates the API request but now we need to actually create the new accounts...
Using a regular expression to validate an email address years I have slowly developed a regular expression that validates MOST email addresses correctly assuming they don't use an IP..
PHP regular expression for strong password validation around the web. ^. 8 . d . W . n . A Z . a z . It validates only if the string contain at least 1 upper case letter contain..
PHP syntax error ?œunexpected $end??/a> around the web. ^. 8 . d . W . n . A Z . a z . It validates only if the string contain at least 1 upper case letter contain..
Validating US phone number with php/regex exchange code 4 digit subscriber number After which it validates the 10 digit US number against NANPA guidelines function validPhone..
More concise way to check to see if an array contains only numbers (integers) array predicate array Tell whether any member of array validates the predicate. any array 1 'a' 'b' 'is_int' true any array 'a'..
Simple Post-Redirect-Get code example . The validate.php is never seen by the user if validates all _GET and if valid writes it to database and generates the..
Why is this function returning “undefined”? [duplicate] 3 answers I have a form validation function which validates and also checks to see if the username is taken or not ajax..
CakePHP ACL Database Setup: ARO / ACO structure? setup the Auth component to use the 'crud' method which validates the requested controller action against an AclComponent check..
Easiest Form validation library for PHP? [closed] PHP's sanatize and filter functions. Pork Formvalidator. validates fields by regexes and can sanatize them. Uses PHP filter_var..
reliably convert string containing PHP array info to array [duplicate] your string specification to create a helper function that validates the input against allowed tokens and then parse it str array..
Parse XML using a XSD in PHP the DOM or XmlReader extensions DOMDocument schemaValidate Validates a document based on a schema XMLReader setSchema Validate document..
X/Html Validator in PHP can use PHP's native DOM extension DOMDocument validate Validates the document based on its DTD Example from Manual dom new DOMDocument..
Regex for names with special characters (Unicode) the Javascript part but probably someone here will. Validates John Elkjærd André Svenson Marco d'Almeida Kristoffer la Cour..
Easiest Form validation library for PHP? [closed] and extra regexes @package pork Pork.FormValidator Validates arrays or properties by setting up simple arrays @package pork.. mandatories this errors array this corrects array Validates an array of items if needed and returns true or false public.. break output filter_var var filter flags return output Validates a single var according to type. Allows for static calling to..