php Programming Glossary: validator
Add “.active” class to the current page's link in a menu using jQuery or PHP [closed] sf menu li a href index.php Inicio a li li a href task validator Validar a li li a href task register Registro a li ul div php..
Is there a php library for email address validation? the email address of my users. Unfortunately making a validator that comforms to standards is hard Here is an example of a regex..
Zend form validation
What is the best PHP lib/class to generate RSS/Atom [closed] 2.0 and ATOM 1.0 feeds All feeds are are validated by feed validator. Implements appropriate namespaces for different versions. Automatically..
Do you have health checks in your web app or web site? [closed] original ones Does the front page's output pass the W3C validator Do you do this or parts of it in your applications and web sites..
Kohana 3: Example of model with validation news Model factory 'news' view View factory 'news' bind 'validator' validator bind 'errors' errors bind 'recent_posts' recent_posts.. factory 'news' view View factory 'news' bind 'validator' validator bind 'errors' errors bind 'recent_posts' recent_posts if Request.. we want to stop the user from adding their own post data validator news validate_news arr extract _POST array 'title' 'post' if..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? same variant If the conditional GET used a strong cache validator see section 13.3.3 the response SHOULD NOT include other entity.. headers. Otherwise i.e. the conditional GET used a weak validator the response MUST NOT include other entity headers this prevents..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? policy server side with optional client side Javascript validator Enforced maximum number of failed login attempts with BEST PRACTICES..
How to “Validate” Human Names in CakePHP? against a name with a space so we added spaces to our validator. Rather than doing this is there a way to add a blacklist to.. doing this is there a way to add a blacklist to CakePHP's validator to block all invalid characters rather than allowing valid ones.. I know how to do this in PHP generally but using CakePHP's validator syntax is different. php regex validation cakephp blacklist..
Set http header to utf-8 php html charset utf 8 However when I validate using the W3c validator it comes up with The character encoding specified in the HTTP..
Matching Unicode letter characters in PCRE/PHP in PCRE PHP I'm trying to write a reasonably permissive validator for names in PHP and my first attempt consists of the following..
How to consume a WCF Web Service that uses custom username validation with a PHP page? to a basicHttpBinding. When I do that the Custom Username validator is not called anymore. But using basicHttpBinding and removing..
Easiest Form validation library for PHP? [closed] years with PHP's sanatize and filter functions. Pork Formvalidator. validates fields by regexes and can sanatize them. Uses PHP.. array 'name' 'email' 'alias' 'pwd' sanatize array 'alias' validator new FormValidator validations required sanatize if validator.. new FormValidator validations required sanatize if validator validate _POST _POST validator sanatize _POST now do your saving..
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities? Collections ArrayCollection use Symfony Component Validator ExecutionContext @ORM Entity repositoryClass Avocode UserBundle..
Validation in Zend Framework 2 with Doctrine 2 username is not present in the database validator new Zend Validator Db NoRecordExists array 'table' 'users' 'field' 'username' if.. like NoEntityExists or whatever you want . Extend Zend Validator AbstractValidator Provide a getter and setter for Doctrine ORM.. or whatever you want . Extend Zend Validator AbstractValidator Provide a getter and setter for Doctrine ORM EntityManager Provide..
Zend_Validate: Db_NoRecordExists with Doctrine share improve this question Solved it with an own Validator php class Validator_NoRecordExists extends Zend_Validate_Abstract.. this question Solved it with an own Validator php class Validator_NoRecordExists extends Zend_Validate_Abstract private _table.. 'username' array 'validators' array array 'validator' new Validator_NoRecordExists 'User' 'username' share improve this answer..
php classes… validation an interface instead. This way any class can be a Validator. interface IValidate public function validate value Your validators.. value return value this _value You'd still have a main Validator class. Unlike in your example the Validator below accepts multiple.. have a main Validator class. Unlike in your example the Validator below accepts multiple Validators which will allow you to create..
Zend_Form: how to check 2 fields are identical for the same I found this very well working generic Validator for Identical Fields. I don't find it now so I just post the..
X/Html Validator in PHP Html Validator in PHP First thing I know that there is interface to W3C validator.. W3C validator http package Services_W3C_HTMLValidator But I don't know if I can install it on cheap hosting server...
Excluding/Disabling Validation in Eclipse Check Enable Project specific settings On the XML Validator row click the '...' button Select Exclude Gruop Click Add rule..
Connecting remote PHP/Apache server to Quickbooks/Windows Use the PHP code linked to above Get familiar with the XML Validator tools in the QuickBooks SDK Turn PHP error logging to a file..