php Programming Glossary: vague
Check if variable is a valid date with PHP to be specific to a day month year so just May would be to vague to count. Based on that and Pauls good point below we can also..
How do you get a facebook user's information and insert it into a database? the data. I don't understand how to do it. I'm sorry for a vague question and I have searched. Not asking you to write my code..
PHP mysql insert date format a valid MySQL date literal. You have four options in some vague order of preference without any further information of your..
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? components that collaborate together. I'm using the vague 'component' word here deliberately since in this context I mean..
Getting mysql result from the last 30 days [duplicate]
5.4 dereferencing to valid 5.3 array call [duplicate] element in 5.3. I started php programming in 5.4 so it is vague and I am new. I get an error on this line of code which uses..
CodeIgniter: Try Catch is not working in model class good support for exceptions. You DB queries will call some vague CI error_logging thingie called show_error . What you need to..
PHP connecting to MediaWiki API and retrieve data some difficulty understanding especially due to the vague MediaWiki API manual . I want to retrieve the entire page as..
Any good SASS parser for PHP? CSS Cacheer as an alternative but its syntax is somewhat vague and adoption is well abysmally low... Documentation is hard..
PHP cookie problem - www or without www traffic to or vice versa. My vague knowledge of SEO edit if incorrect tells me that it's helpful..
Can I “Mock” time in PHPUnit? some tests for that are time based. Trying not to be too vague the code is related to looking at the history of an item and..
PHP and Enumerations Arrays don't have the namespace problem but they're too vague they can be overwritten at runtime and IDEs rarely never know..
Executing php with crontab for example 5 var www some path script.php I found some vague information about this php executable being found in usr bin..
Speeding up large numbers of mysql updates and inserts such requests I'm not expecting a specific answer to my vague example... that's just to hopefully help explain . Here are..
Interested in Collective Programming for the web — Ruby or Python or PHP? [closed]
PHP function param type best practises param type best practises sorry if the title is a bit vague as I didn't know how else to put it. I am currently working..
instantiate a class from a variable in PHP? from a variable in PHP I know this question sounds rather vague so I will make it more clear with an example var 'bar' bar new..
MongoDB PHP UTF-8 problems UTF 8 but I'm not sure if this is exactly true I have a vague idea that BSON uses UTF 16 or UTF 32 to encode decode data but..
php set cookie issue I put in my comment from your description although fairly vague and not too understandable I think the issue may be that you're..
Convert ASCII and UTF-8 to non-special characters with one function I hope I've got these terms right they're still a bit vague to me sometimes . So I could get either this Sc eacute nic or..