php Programming Glossary: variations
How do I replace bad words with php? filter but it has many limitations. Like it won't stop variations on spelling use of spaces or other non word characters in between..
How Drupal works? [closed] else is ultimately just details important details but variations on that theme. index.php is the controller the menu system determins..
Registry design pattern…good or bad? out there that would be a better option There are two variations of a registry. There is the global registry Which is far the..
Regex to detect Invalid UTF-8 String 4 byte sequence 2 x' We can test it by creating a few variations of text. Overlong encoding of code point 0 text chr 0xC0 . chr..
algorithm that will take numbers or words and find all possible combinations that will take numbers or words and find all possible variations of them together and also let me define how many values to look.. dog SO the results from the set of 3 items are 6 possible variations of it at 2 results matching with 3 results matching it would..
google map info window multiple addresses via xml all the markers. I've been searching and trying different variations to get it to work but no luck. sample XML data xml version 1.0..
I need help fixing Broken UTF8 encoding start writing some sample code where you attempt numerous variations on calls to mb_convert_encoding to see if you can find a combination..
i18n with gettext but without the locale hassle? and consorts namely the dozens of different locale string variations differing from system to system that you need to provide for..
What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP? Takes into account numerous HTTP proxy headers due to variations in how different ISPs handle IP addresses in headers between..
Formulas to Calculate Geo Proximity functions ASIN SQRT POWER SIN PI COS I've also seen variations from the same formula Spherical Law of Cosines like this one.. but are these formulas the same I've come across some more variations and formulas such as the Spherical Law of Cosines and the Vincenty's..
How do I get csv file to download on IE? Works on firefox Update I've tried text csv application excel and variations of this text plain and some others that I now forget with no..
PHP - how to create a newline character? Doe r n 1 John Doe r n 1 John Doe r n I have tried many variations of the r n but none work. Why isnt the newline turning into..
How to access element attributes with SimpleXml? [duplicate] @attributes 'total' photos '@attributes' 'total' and many variations of this php simplexml share improve this question Just..
How does plugin system work (wordpress, mybb …)? plugin share improve this question There are multiple variations on how to implement a plugin system. Wordpress uses a quite..
PHP: If internet explorer 6, 7, 8 , or 9 this elseif browser ie7 dothis elseif... I have seen many variations on similar code but looking for something super simple that..
Compiling an AST back to source code is generally called prettyprinting . There are two subtle variations regenerating the text matching the original as much as possible..
Mobile browser detection? developing story lightweight device detection php and some variations but I'm not sure about it. Looks like it's written really bad..
convert php date to mysql format strtotime date . The reason I ask is because I have tried variations of this and I cannot seem to get it to work. Either displays..