php Programming Glossary: vars
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? true on success. m e expr A synonym for m evaluate . m vars Returns an associative array of all user defined variables and.. this pfx this nfx expr straight up evaluation woo function vars output this v unset output 'pi' unset output 'e' return output.. output evaluate postfix notation function pfx tokens vars array if tokens false return false stack new EvalMathStack foreach..
unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset VALUES s s d h db query h db prepare sql key serialize h vars 'submitted_data' h currentUser id return key php mysql content.. to C fakepath100.jpg To fix the error You need to change h vars 'submitted_data' From Note the singe quite ' Replace h vars.. 'submitted_data' From Note the singe quite ' Replace h vars 'submitted_data' 'image' C fakepath 100.png With h vars 'submitted_data'..
GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging) Open connection ch curl_init Set the url number of POST vars POST data curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POST..
User recognition without cookies or local storage private function initialize colums Initialize perceptron vars for i 1 i colums i weighting vars this w i 0 this dw i 0 function.. Initialize perceptron vars for i 1 i colums i weighting vars this w i 0 this dw i 0 function train input alpha teta colums.. 0 checkpoints array keepTrainning true Initialize RNA vars this initialize count input 0 1 just_started true totalRun 0..
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context context in pb_events.php on line 6 line 6 is jpp this vars data jpp function DoEvents this global _CONF _PAGE _TSM base.. DoEvents this global _CONF _PAGE _TSM base jpp this vars data jpp cache departments this db QFetchRowArray SELECT FROM..
Why check both isset() and !empty() and is there a shorter way to do the same thing isset vars 1 AND empty vars 1 php share improve this question This.. a shorter way to do the same thing isset vars 1 AND empty vars 1 php share improve this question This is completely redundant...