php Programming Glossary: v1
LSA - Latent Semantic Analysis - How to code it in PHP? of vectors will be finite. Assuming you have a vector v1 of words for a document then v1 t U' will give the strongest.. Assuming you have a vector v1 of words for a document then v1 t U' will give the strongest 'topics' for that document. Select..
json decode in php communication @array true @id 23101384 @uri xyz v1 Communications 1111 household @id 111111 @uri xyz v1 Households.. xyz v1 Communications 1111 household @id 111111 @uri xyz v1 Households 5465465 person @id @uri communicationType @id 1 @uri.. 5465465 person @id @uri communicationType @id 1 @uri xyz v1 Communications CommunicationTypes 1 name Home Phone communicationGeneralType..
How do I insert NULL values using PDO? PDOException e ... stmt dbh prepare 'INSERT INTO table v1 v2 ... VALUES v1 v2 ... ' stmt bindParam ' v1' PDO PARAM_NULL.. ... stmt dbh prepare 'INSERT INTO table v1 v2 ... VALUES v1 v2 ... ' stmt bindParam ' v1' PDO PARAM_NULL Here's the problem.. INTO table v1 v2 ... VALUES v1 v2 ... ' stmt bindParam ' v1' PDO PARAM_NULL Here's the problem PDO PARAM_NULL null '' all..
Yahoo Weather API WOEID retrieval access GeoPlanet via it's table http v1 places.q 'Barrie CA' appid yourappidhere or http CA' appid yourappidhere or http v1 public yql q select 20 20from 20geo.places 20where 20text 3D..
How to use Facebook graph API to retrieve fan photos uploaded to wall of fan page? properties icon http rsrc.php v1 yz r StEh3RhPvjk.gif fb_object_type photo fb_object_id 6672812206412558147..
Unable to find the wrapper “https” - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? products Win32OpenSSL.html and installed Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.0d for safe measure. Now the line of code in question in my.. be this urlquery https customsearch v1 key . appid. cx . google_searchid. q . query. alt atom num ... file_get_contents https customsearch v1 key removed API ID cx removed search ID q The Devil went down..
Google Calendar API v3 hardcoded credentials what I have read this is possible using ClientLogin in the v1 API. In the v3 API however the available options are OAuth2.0..
How to get Google +1 count for current page in PHP? userId @viewer groupId @self jsonrpc 2.0 key p apiVersion v1 ' curl_setopt curl CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true curl_setopt curl..