php Programming Glossary: until
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? 'IF' if this pop 0 do if condition is false do nothing until THEN tok strtoupper strtok while tok THEN IF THERE IS NO THEN..
How to call a JavaScript function from PHP? HTML string doesn't become anything more special than that until it's loaded by a web browser. Once a browser loads the page..
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? also understand the importance of being consistent and up until now I have essentially randomly used single quotes double quotes..
close a connection early process has started but JQuery won't return the response until the PHP script is done running. I've tried this with a close.. error_log do something in the background Which works fine until you substitute phpinfo for echo 'text I want user to see' in..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? the script ends and nothing will happen on the server until a new HTTP request comes in. The example code executes like..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead shouldn't be changing anything especially upgrading PHP until you have identified all of the potential areas of impact planned..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP in the wrong order. The pass through the list is repeated until no swaps are needed which indicates that the list is sorted... the possible permutations of the input array list until discovering the sorted one. function permutationSort items perms..
PHP function to generate v4 UUID non existant. This function generates a valid v4 UUID up until one area. A v4 UUID should be in the form of xxxxxxxx xxxx 4..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? thought.. Basically you have a page that does nothing until the data you want to send is available say a new message arrives..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? assumptions built into it most of which you won't discover until you try to wrestle it into doing something else. At that point..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords then you might even miss the fact that you were attacked until it's too late... and you're liable . To avoid that situation..
Who needs singletons? [closed] good reasons to say so but it may not always be obvious until you've hit the problem yourself. The best thing you can do is..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? session ™s cookie a real session cookie that is only valid until the browser is closed. So to conclude The best solution is to..
How to prevent SQL injection with dynamic tablenames? and probably guilty of repeating the same bad advice until it was pointed out to me here on SO also by Col. Shrapnel. ..
What's better at freeing memory with PHP: unset() or $var = null resulting in a longer overall execution time. Note that until php5.3 if you have two objects in circular reference such as..
Using comet with PHP? Apache Each request into Apache will use one worker thread until the request completes which may be a long time for COMET requests...
Able to see a variable in print_r()'s output, but not sure how to access it in code step you need to use again. You can continue this game until you reach the element that you're interested in. The debug output.. var_dump as you could step by step extend the expression until you find the element. If you make an error you will immediately..
Update MySql Field (if field is not empty, go to next one) but i can`t figurit out how to implement the IF statement. Until now i have this mysql_query UPDATE tabel_name SET ColumnB 'example'..
How to Block 100,000+ Individual IP addresses an API and we are working on improving that situation. Until then it is recommended to either use system or open a pipe into..
i18n with gettext but without the locale hassle? way to store multi language content for a Web Application. Until now I have employed my own translate functions that read data..
Invalid font filename (imagettfbox) Text It did not work whatever we did before or after... Until we changed the classPath to classpath '.. library pChart ' Note..
What's the Difference Between Extension and zend_extension in php.ini? file. extension and everything I used worked. Until today. Today I was having trouble setting up Xdebug for interactive..
How can I port a legacy Java/J2EE website to a modern scripting language (PHP,Python/Django, etc)? project. Next pick a a framework. What Second Yes. Second. Until you actually do something with some scripting languages and..
define() vs const between those two php share improve this question Until PHP 5.3 const could not be used in the global scope. You could..
Are Symfony and CakePHP too slow to be usable? Symfony and CakePHP too slow to be usable Until now I have always said that CakePHP is too bloated and slow...
Retrieve (or simulate) full query from PDO prepared statement id 52384 in case anyone is interested in voting on it. Until it's fixed it seems like you are left to use query logging or..
Self Executing functions in PHP5.3? Call Chaining e.g. foo is in discussion for PHP5.4. Until then use call_user_func a call_user_func function hidden 'a'..
Capistrano: HowTo deploy MySQL database for a PHP application? and using Capistrano to deploy it to my webserver. Until now I was not using Databases and hence the deploy was running..
iconv_strlen function causing execution timeout, running on MAMP you use Zend Framework or else revert MAMP to use php 5.2. Until MAMP begins including php source files and providing a method..
mySQL Stored Function to create a slug x If x 1 Then Set temp_string Replace temp_string End If Until x 1 End Repeat If LOCATE ' ' temp_string 1 Then Set temp_string..
Modular web site with zend framework, stack of actions div div id right this layout right_container div Until now I called actions from layout view but I do not like this..
Error using PHP cURL with SSL certificates SO post you cited above reading SSL page with CURL php ... Until 7.18.0 curl bundled a severely outdated ca bundle file that..
Mail returns false I'm currently using a custom made library at my job. Until just rencently the library was working perfectly. It apparently..
openssl_digest vs hash vs hash_hmac? Difference between SALT & HMAC? is not available in PHP yet I'm working on changing that . Until then use bcrypt ... Sidenote After the recent lessons from LinkedIn..
Post on someones wall using Facebook API PHP and getting your App installed on their Facebook Account. Until your App is installed on a users account and they have given..
Send PHP HTML mail with attachments PHP HTML mail with attachments I got a problem Until today I sent HTML mails with PHP using a header which contains..
MongoDB updating fields in nested array development here https browse SERVER 831 Until that time you'll have to normalize your schema a bit I'm afraid...