php Programming Glossary: unreadable
obfuscate or encrypt some plain text data in PHP
What do the ENT_HTML5, ENT_HTML401, … modifiers on html_entity_decode do? be decoded or not. For example #64976 gets decoded to an unreadable invalid character for ENT_HTML401 and ENT_XHTML and ENT_XML1..
Elegant way to search for UTF-8 files with BOM? then echo found BOM in file fi done Or if you prefer short unreadable one liners find type f while read file do `head c3 file ` '..
Minify / Obfuscate PHP Code obfuscates the PHP code. The goal is to make the code unreadable uneditable as possible. The ideal tool would run under Linux..
a better approach than storing mysql password in plain text in config file? come up with two minimal security boosts make the file unreadable via the web using rules in .htaccess in case php fails or there's..
Secure User Image Upload Capabilities in PHP
PHP/PDO/MySQL: inserting into MEDIUMBLOB stores bad data On a third Linux server the inserted image is corrupted unreadable after a SELECT and the length of the column data as reported..
Limiting user login attempts in PHP marked this as accepted assuming that captchas are unreadable by machines she's almost right and so it's getting negative..