php Programming Glossary: uploader
How to backup files from a specific directory to Dropbox using PHP only? passw throw new Exception 'Wrong Password' Upload uploader new DropboxUploader '' 'password' enter dropbox.. '' 'password' enter dropbox credentials uploader upload tmpFile _POST 'dest' echo ' span style color green font.. dirtocopy '. example_directory ' dropboxdir ' backupdir ' uploader new DropboxUploader '' 'Password' enter dropbox..
Android file uploader with server-side php file uploader with server side php I've been looking for a solution to this.. R.layout.main String exsistingFileName sdcard uploader data testfile String lineEnd r n String twoHyphens String boundary..
HTML5 input type file's multiple attribute not working in IE? I don't want to use any flash player for support. Flash uploader will not support in iphone. I created the form like this form.. support in iphone. I created the form like this form name uploader method post action enctype multipart form data input type file..
Is it important to verify that the uploaded file is an actual image file? upload is already done but the file get's available to the uploader after the necessary tasks have been run. share improve this..
How to determine wheter a file is still being transferred via ftp works just fine. Obviously this requires the client uploader to cooperate so it's not ideal. This also allows you to delete.. Another scheme that also requires cooperation from the uploader can involve uploading the file's hash and size first then the..
Upload Progress Bar in PHP upload in php I am trying writing code for a photo album uploader. I would like a progress bar to display while the photos are.. and trying scripts the simplest to set up and nicest uploader I've found https Widen fine uploader It doesn't require.. and nicest uploader I've found https Widen fine uploader It doesn't require APC or any other external PHP libraries I..
Very large uploads with PHP which is a bit silly or show no feedback at all Flash uploader puts entire file into memory before starting the upload Server..