php Programming Glossary: unload
Safari Back button not honouring PHP logout session for Safari there's some discussion about caches and unload events which you might be able to use to avoid caching. It seems..
How to implement a chat room using Jquery/PHP? the echoed data to the client sleep 1 a little break to unload the server CPU body html The frontend script index.html creates.. window load comet.initialize Event.observe window unload comet.onUnload script body html Method 2 AJAX non returning.. data file has been modified usleep 10000 sleep 10ms to unload the CPU clearstatcache currentmodif filemtime filename return..
Passing variable FROM flash to HTML/php they just click the browser x. I've looked into onbeforeunload and jquery's .unload but I still need a way to get the username.. browser x. I've looked into onbeforeunload and jquery's .unload but I still need a way to get the username variable that's IN.. user makes their username so it can be involved with the .unload function running the php script EDIT Maybe is there a way to..
How to check if visitor's IP Address is still active or online? closed the browser but my script fail to detect its unload event I want to know if he she still online. A PHP or javascript..
destroy session on window close? with some IE proprietary features . Then on each page unload which means even navigating from page to page on the same web.. 10 0 IGS.Bakery.setCookie winNumber winNumber 1 window.onunload function var winNumber parseInt IGS.Bakery.getCookie winNumber..
How to execute ajax function onbeforeunload? to execute ajax function onbeforeunload I'm developing a php javascript chat. When the user logs in.. the following but without success js file window.onbeforeunload closeSession function closeSession .ajax url chat process chat.php.. Is there any way to do this php javascript jquery onbeforeunload share improve this question You fire your ajax async default..