php Programming Glossary: unlike
Algorithm to get all possible string combinations from array up to certain length Note This adds complexity since the value is variable unlike the questions these are linked to. For example letters array..
Ping site and return result in PHP small IF procedure that will check if Twitter is available unlike now for example and will return true or false. Help php ping..
How do I throttle my site's API users? . The leaky bucket never resets its counter unlike the Twitter API's throttle which resets every hour but if the..
Performance of static methods vs. functions of static methods vs. functions In PHP unlike what i originally thought there an overhead of calling static..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another example that can't be shown with a jsFiddle example unlike previous one this one will have attached SQL script. I would..
PHP Type-Juggling and (strict) Greater/Lesser Than Comparisons out that there are two equalities that PHP does guarantee unlike pretty much everything else . These two always hold simply because..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? programming languages. It has rigid grammar rules not unlike Oxford English. In contrast to humans it however chokes on smmall..
What is the best way to format messages for queueing? concurrent applications. It provides a message queue but unlike message oriented middleware a MQ system can run without a dedicated..
SQL & PHP - Which is faster mysql_num_rows() or 'select count()'? from the MySQL into the php pcrocess before it returns unlike mysql_unbufferd_query . That alone would make the mysql_num_rows..
How to programmatically “press” a 'Like' button through a Facebook Application? even that is kind of silly because they can instantly go unlike it after they have used your application. share improve this..
Preserve key order (stable sort) when sorting with PHP's uasort it stays reasonably fast even when you use larger lists unlike bubblesort and insertion sort which are O n^2 . php function..
PHP explode and array index share improve this question As others have said PHP is unlike JavaScript in that it can't access array elements from function..
Division of array in three categories 600.95 2 MacBook Air is ultrathin ultraportable and ultra unlike anything else.. SKU015 new product MacBook Air product.php images.. 600.95 2 MacBook Air is ultrathin ultraportable and ultra unlike anything else.. SKU016 new product MacBook Pro product.php images.. 600.95 2 MacBook Air is ultrathin ultraportable and ultra unlike anything else.. SKU006 new product MacBook fly product.php images..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo is no print function listed. Though printf and friends are unlike print they are true functions. Why does print foo work then.. tries to parse it as a single expression and fails because unlike in C the comma is not a valid operator in PHP. Semantics The..
How to Deal With Codeigniter Templates? php codeigniter templates share improve this question Unlike other frameworks CodeIgniter does not have a global template..
PDO: bindParam versus bindValue The answer is in the documentation for bindParam Unlike PDOStatement bindValue the variable is bound as a reference..
PHP get_headers() reports different headers than CURL will now do HEAD requests once you called the above. Unlike for example file_get_contents get_headers does not allow supplying..
Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps? bytes systems like Windows and Java still do it that way . Unlike UTF 8 it is not compatible with ASCII and is of little to no..
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] I can recommend. Dear reader can you perchance help me out Unlike previous questions I'm not after a security specific tutorial..
PHP Packaging/Deployment [closed] a unified interface for accessing different databases. Unlike PDO which cannot convert between different databases Phar also..
How do I check for valid (not dead) links programatically using PHP? share improve this question Use the PHP cURL extension. Unlike fopen it can also make HTTP HEAD requests which are sufficient..
Kohana 3: Example of model with validation you a good starting point of how you might lay out code. Unlike other frameworks Kohana seems to be very open ended as to where..
read XML tag id from php @id foo ' foreach nodes as node echo node nodeValue Unlike getElementById an XPath query always returns a DOMNodeList ...
php classes… validation this _value You'd still have a main Validator class. Unlike in your example the Validator below accepts multiple Validators..
When to use Modules in Zend Framework? he effectively created a self contained problem domain. Unlike with your approach he can more easily copy the entire module..
Best way to parse an invalid HTML in PHP function parses the HTML contained in the string source. Unlike loading XML HTML does not have to be well formed to load . This..
Replace PHP's realpath() have been lost path unipath ' '. path path return path NB Unlike PHP's realpath this function does not return false on error..
Login with openid with Google or other providers I have had good experiance with lightopenid download . Unlike two other openid libraries I tried for PHP it was very easy..
Parentheses altering semantics of function call result and unambiguously explain what is happening here. Unlike in C I don't know enough about the PHP grammar and its treatment..
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo not a function call and print is not a function. Unlike function names print is syntactically a keyword and semantically..
Post on someones wall using Facebook API PHP Account. This is the final step to authentication. Unlike the Code the Access Token will be in the response body not as.. in the body instead of the access token and expiration. Unlike the access token it will be in JSON format so be aware of this...
Merging two complex objects in PHP true Recursive function that merges two associative arrays Unlike array_merge_recursive a differing value for a key overwrites..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input form element should be added to the frontend product page. Unlike Custom Options this is not an actual product attribute. It should..