php Programming Glossary: upgraded
mssql_connect no longer working as of PHP 5.3 5.3 I just received an email from our host and they've upgraded our PHP to 5.3 unfortunately though all the scripts have now..
Best practice for conducting a Magento update? [closed] have saved clean state for every magento version you have upgraded in between again the extra bonus here is that if you do it with.. analyse all extensions you have and see if they can be upgraded if you can upgrade and turn on see if they work with default..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes php magento share improve this question I recently upgraded a clients magento from V1.4 to V1.7.2.0 and i followed this.. After successful Magento installation export dump the new upgraded database in a zipped format using command prompt so that it..
Upgrade PHP from version 5.2 to 5.3 to the internal Zend API so some PHP extension need to be upgraded I had to upgrade xDebug . That means that you need to find the..
Pass by reference problem with PHP 5.3.1 is a weird problem so please bear with me as I explain. We upgraded our dev servers from PHP 5.2.5 to 5.3.1. Loading up our code..
Apache is “Unable to initialize module” because of module's and PHP's API don't match after changing the PHP configuration match in Unknown on line 0 bogus test name tests ps. i've upgraded from php 5.2 to 5.3. before this everything worked okay. php..
PHP and Enumerations performance impact. Now that most people have finally upgraded to at least 5.3 and SplEnum is available that is certainly a..
Issues with PHP 5.3 and sessions folder with PHP 5.3 and sessions folder I recently upgraded to PHP 5.3 and since then I get sporadic error messages which..
Force PHP integer overflow it does in a few statically typed languages. Since we last upgraded PHP the behavior for overflowing integers has changed. Basically..
How to show Ajax requests in URL?
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? new Graph Oauth 2.0 Api Sign in with twitter wich has been upgraded to fully qualified Openid by now as far as I know and so on..... so it can be used for several applications and be upgraded independently. The last of the 3 solutions above looks promising..
Xampp 1.7.4 and PHP 5.3.5 (Deprecated warnings) 1.7.4 and PHP 5.3.5 Deprecated warnings I just upgraded my Xampp installation to 1.7.4 I had a working script jquery..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? by a pushState capable browser it will be transparently upgraded to the true URL. Mootools via Plugin MooTools is a compact modular..
PHP CURL HTTPS causing exception SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK xampp for development. Recently I upgraded my installation of xampp from an old version to 1.7.3. Now when..
PHP 5.3 automatically escapes $_GET/$_POST from form strings? _GET _POST from form strings My server admin recently upgraded to PHP 5.3 and I'm getting a weird bug or feature as the PHP..
How to get mssql work with PHP 5.3? to get mssql work with PHP 5.3 I upgraded to PHP 5.3 and noticed that php_mssql.dll is missing. After..
Aptana 3 php can't activate function linking and variable assist activate function linking and variable assist I just upgraded to Aptana 3 and seem to have lost some of the great functionality..