php Programming Glossary: unsuccessful
Error logging, in a smooth way executed whenever a script completes successful as well as unsuccessful . Using this and error_get_last some basic information can be..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another result is true change page to Index else alert 'Login unsuccessful please try again ' In case result is false throw an error .. request error This callback function will trigger on unsuccessful action alert 'Network error has occurred please try again..
jQuery Mobile: How to correctly submit form data request error This callback function will trigger on unsuccessful action alert 'Network error has occurred please try again..
Recursive mod_rewrite for search engine friendly urls index.php param1 val1 param2 val2 ... So far I've been unsuccessful in in my attempts though RewriteCond QUERY_STRING ^ . RewriteRule..
Form submit without page refresh
How does “do something OR DIE()” work in PHP? x echo x 5 false or x echo x 6 Therefore if your query is unsuccessful it will evaluate the die statement and end the script. share..
PHP: How do I remove nested tags, and relocate them in an un-nested way? and preg_replace_callback but I have only been so far unsuccessful. I also tried to modify the following and have also had no luck..
PHP 5.4 - 'closure $this support' I am not sure what 'closure this support' is. I have been unsuccessful googling for it or finding anything about it on Does..
login with curl and get session 'https accounts ClientLogin' data Test if unsuccessful if response 'successful' echo 'response ' print_r response die..
Using PHP namespaces in a Zend Framework (v1) application working fine when including namespaced libraries but I was unsuccessful when trying to do the same job with application classes. php..
PHP mysqli return row and set to var help UPDATE I have also tried the following code which has been unsuccessful returns null stmt db prepare select productid product_name..
Fatal error: Call to undefined function pg_connect() an entire day searching for the solution but have been unsuccessful. This is my first project developing a website and I am out..
RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error if resultsArray 1 msg 'Successful match.' else Either an unsuccessful match or a PCRE error occurred. pcre_err preg_last_error PHP..