php Programming Glossary: updated_at
Merge a table and a change log into a view in PostgreSQL SELECT chg_rec.unique_id chg_rec.column_name MAX chg_rec.updated_at FROM information_schema.columns AS source JOIN changes AS chg_rec.. OVER PARTITION BY c.unique_id a.attname ORDER BY c.updated_at DESC AS value FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN changes.. value OVER PARTITION BY unique_id column_name ORDER BY updated_at DESC AS value FROM changes WHERE table_name 'instances' AND..
Doctrine 2 LifecycleCallbacks with abstract base class are not called @var integer protected id @ORM Column type datetime name updated_at @var DateTime updatedAt protected updatedAt @ORM PreUpdate..
JSON Parsing with PHP euid 2f489d0c82d167f1c16aba5d3b4c29ade6f1d52a title Fusion updated_at 2011 10 04T14 26 57Z event_roles user long_name Fusion Single.. 'author' item long_name 'content' item body 'date' item updated_at 'type' 'Woodlands Church' array_push this rss rss_item The.. 'author' item long_name 'content' item body 'date' item updated_at 'type' 'Woodlands Church' array_push this rss rss_item share..
persisted login with Zend_Session::rememberMe back and re established a stale session you could add a 'updated_at' column to your session tracking table. So then you would have.. then you would have two timestamp columns created_at and updated_at which would help you make this determination. share improve..