php Programming Glossary: unread
Processing IMAP email in PHP from to subject body move messages to server folders read unread status Thank you php email cakephp imap share improve this..
IMAP in Php: Marking a message unread/unseen in Php Marking a message unread unseen I want to create a script in php to read al mail from.. You can use the FT_PEEK option to leave the message as 'unread'. EDIT AFTER YOUR COMMENTS Have you looked at this method http..
How do forums show you unread topics? do forums show you unread topics I have user discussion forums I coded in php mysql I.. #5 which has an ID larger than 15 then you know there's unread posts there. Update this table only with the post_id of the..
PHP forums - how to cope with unread discussions / topics / posts forums how to cope with unread discussions topics posts I know this question has been asked.. the database which I'd like to avoid at all cost. About unread discussions topics posts there's a lot to think of. I don't.. Every user knows with post has read or not. mark every unreaded thread by each user. Disadvantages a lot of space with unreaded..
Determining unread items in a forum unread items in a forum Using PHP and MySQL I have a forum system.. thread. if LastPostDateTime LastReadDateTime you got an unread post. Sadly you have a great overhead on every read you'll have..
Creating a threaded private messaging system like facebook and gmail the given message. If it isn't there then that message is unread by that user. Note that if you want to have single recipients..
PHP Displaying unread mail count Displaying unread mail count I am using php imap class. In my box I have a lot.. lot of mail but with this script I would retrieve only the unreaded mail. How can I do it if mbox imap_open . mailserver . . port.. a flag called UNSEEN which you can use to search for the unread emails. You would call the imap_search function with the UNSEEN..