php Programming Glossary: solely
How to fwrite before a specific tag </file> forum.php I can not use a database so it needs to be done solely from PHP and .htaccess php badpersonip _SERVER 'REMOTE_ADDR'..
measuring the elapsed time between code segments in PHP the elapsed time between two segments of code. This is solely to be able to detect the bottlenecks within the code and improve..
file_get_contents behind a proxy? Ive considered requesting a separate user account solely to do this but passwords change often and this technique needs..
Why are “echo” short tags permanently enabled as of PHP 5.4? . What's changed Even if they were previously discouraged solely due to the unpredictable nature of whether short_open_tag is..
Check whether the string is a unix timestamp true if the given timestamp is a string and consists solely of digits and an optional minus character. The number also has..
Learning Python coming from PHP Python coming from PHP My dynamic language experience is solely PHP. I want to learn Python now to broaden my career opportunities..
PHP assigment operator =& [duplicate] I quite don't understand what's the difference between and solely . Thanks in advance php share improve this question It..
Escaping MySQL wild cards purpose. addcslashes should not be used. _ and are special solely in the context of LIKE matching. When you want to prepare strings..
Really PHP? “Argument 1 passed to my_function() must be an instance of string, string given” was in thinking that the error message was referring solely to the string primitive type the word 'instance' should have..
Scope error - Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object method. To improve on this you should create a class that solely manages or encapsulate the PDO object. You can simply create..
Creating a secure login using sessions and cookies in PHP and improvements to my ideas. What I have is a login based solely on sessions. Anytime the session information changes session_regenerate_id..
MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula) then inputs them into a MySQL query. I'd like to make it solely MySQL. Here's my current PHP Code if distance Any customer_zip..
unit testing and Static methods load it with data etc. The Database class should be solely responsible for testing that it can connect and query. The Log..
Conversion from Simplified to Traditional Chinese subsidiary or partner in China the staff may be arrested solely on the basis of subversive terminology. This is not unique to..
Get entire URL, including query string and anchor including the # never gets passed to the server it is solely a behavioural property of the browser. The _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI'..