php Programming Glossary: socket_connect
Sending large packets using php using socket_write SOCK_DGRAM SOL_UDP or die Could not create socket n socket_connect socket host port or die Could not connect to server n socket_write..
How do you get the HTTP status code for a remote domain in php? host socket socket_create AF_INET SOCK_STREAM SOL_TCP socket_connect socket address port socket_write socket request strlen request..
socket_create vs. fsockopen php to a host not a listening socket. fsockopen address ~ socket_connect socket_create address Your hosting provider doesn't want you..
PHP and HTML: socket_connect() [function.socket-connect]: unable to connect and HTML socket_connect function.socket connect unable to connect I am working on a.. to receive the info but I keep getting this error Warning socket_connect function.socket connect unable to connect 110 Connection timed.. SOCK_STREAM 0 or die error could not create socket n succ socket_connect sock HOST 4445 or die error could not connect to host n Authentification..
Simple Java TCP Server and PHP Client Problems socket_create AF_INET SOCK_STREAM getprotobyname 'tcp' socket_connect socket address port if socket_send socket message strlen message.. socket_create AF_INET SOCK_STREAM getprotobyname 'tcp' socket_connect socket address port message . chr 10 status socket_sendto socket..