

php Programming Glossary: sniffing

Preventing session hijacking


a valid session ID by known attacks vulerabilities like sniffing the network communication Cross Site Scripting leakage through..

How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login?


real CSS and JS aware browser sending meaningful data and sniffing what actually gets sent we might be able to overcome this particular..

What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection


side we have client side advocates with their browser sniffing. Server side WURFL Created in 2002 WURFL Wireless Universal.. available script body html JavaScript based browser sniffing It is arguable that this may be academically the worst possible..

Opencart: Ajax json response unknown characters


to your website must be checked for password stealing sniffing malware as a result of visiting your another infected website..

Login without HTTPS, how to secure?


than complicated to hack which is better than a trivial sniffing revealing the password. php ajax security encryption cryptography.. . 1 Tokenize logins This doesn't matter if an attacker is sniffing the traffic they'll have the plain text username password and..

How to encrypt data in javascript and decrypt in php?


Simple implementation of admin/staff panel?


to authenticate browsers and if an attacker can obtain one sniffing or xss then he doesn't need a username password. This is laid..

Securing web-API access


without legal action . Use SSL TLS that will help with the sniffing posibility. If the app is downloaded directly from your server..

Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms


site scripting XSS attack. Plus thanks to the ˜content sniffing behaviours of some browsers primarily IE a file that is uploaded.. have to wonder why they can't simply stop doing content sniffing you idiots MS instead of burdening us with shonky non standard..

Examples of XSS that I can use to test my page input?


against the system. There is no port scanning packet sniffing password hacking or firewall attacks done by the tool.rnrnYou..

securing a REST API accessible from Android


I assume malicious user somehow knows API urls to call by sniffing when the application was making HTTP requests. I need to ensure..

securing connection to php server


JSON to the Android client. Now I am concerned that people sniffing the traffic find out the URL and will post a lot of grap in.. post a lot of grap in my database. I have no concern of sniffing the payload. So it does not necessarily be encrypted. I was..

ZF2 - Get controller name into layout/views


do it. I guess there a hundred different ways but after sniffing about the code for a few hours I can't really figure out how..