php Programming Glossary: sometable
Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given [duplicate] call. For example result mysql_query SELECT somecol FROM sometable if result Handle error here Now process the result You should..
Examples of vulnerable PHP code? injection is easy var _POST 'var' mysql_query SELECT FROM sometable WHERE id var This is easily solved by var mysql_real_escape_string..
php warning mysql_fetch_assoc are used as follows id 1234 query 'SELECT name genre FROM sometable WHERE id ' . id query is a string with the MySQL query resource.. to mysql_query id null query 'SELECT name genre FROM sometable WHERE id ' . id res mysql_query query res FALSE because the.. FALSE because the query was invalid SELECT name genre FROM sometable WHERE id is not a valid query mysql_fetch_assoc res Warning..
How do you manage SQL Queries but you get the idea... results db GetResults SELECT FROM sometable WHERE iUser userid if results Do something I am looking into..
How to escape strings in SQL Server using PHP? unpacked unpack 'H hex' data mssql_query ' INSERT INTO sometable somecolumn VALUES 0x' . unpacked 'hex' . ' ' Abstracted that.. return '0x' . unpacked 'hex' mssql_query ' INSERT INTO sometable somecolumn VALUES ' . mssql_escape somevalue . ' ' mysql_error..