php Programming Glossary: somearray
If [Get Variable] is equal to [Array] is equal to any key values in an array. For instance someArray array a b c If _GET foobar someArray return true else return.. array. For instance someArray array a b c If _GET foobar someArray return true else return false If the _GET foobar had a value.. share improve this question return in_array _GET foobar someArray true EDIT Added optional true parameter. share improve this..
Walk array recursively and print the path of the walk for the entire arary. Updated Walk recursively function someArray 1 2 3 'end' someArray 1 2 6 'end' someArray 1 3 6 'end' someArray.. Updated Walk recursively function someArray 1 2 3 'end' someArray 1 2 6 'end' someArray 1 3 6 'end' someArray 4 3 7 'end' function.. function someArray 1 2 3 'end' someArray 1 2 6 'end' someArray 1 3 6 'end' someArray 4 3 7 'end' function listArrayRecursive..
What is so wrong with extract()? where they're coming from. Consider this scenario extract someArray could be _POST or anything snip a dozen or more lines echo someVariable..