

php Programming Glossary: socket_read

Can PHP asynchronously use sockets?


thread when waiting for incoming connections and data. eg. socket_read and socket_listen How do I do the same asynchronously so I can.. polling loop as requested buf '' done false do chunk socket_read sock 4096 if chunk false error socket_last_error sock if error..

How do you get the HTTP status code for a remote domain in php?


socket request strlen request response split ' ' socket_read socket 1024 print p Response . response 1 . p r n socket_close..

Set a timeout on socket_read


a timeout on socket_read I was wondering how can I set a timeout on a socket_read call.. socket_read I was wondering how can I set a timeout on a socket_read call The first time it calls socket_read it waits till data.. a timeout on a socket_read call The first time it calls socket_read it waits till data is sent and if no data is sent within 5 secs..

Simple Java TCP Server and PHP Client Problems


php server. When I comment out that last line of php echo socket_read socket 14 PHP_NORMAL_READ The data gets to the Java server just.. socket message strlen message MSG_EOF FALSE echo socket_read socket 14 PHP_NORMAL_READ java php client server share improve.. address port if status FALSE message '' next '' while next socket_read socket 4096 message . next echo message else echo Failed socket_close..