php Programming Glossary: socket
Socket transport “ssl” in PHP not enabled in PHP not enabled I'm having trouble enabling the socket transport ssl in PHP. When I run my script I get the error Warning.. to connect to ssl 443 Unable to find the socket transport ssl did you forget to enable it when you configured.. to get it working uncommented the php_openssl.dll and php_sockets.dll extensions in php.ini made sure PHP was loading the ini..
I never really understood: what is CGI? with all the servers in my example MATLAB MySQL using socket programming I'm lost They say that CGI is depreciated. Its no.. with all the servers in my example MATLAB MySQL using socket programming I'm lost You compile the executable once the webserver..
Confusing PDO-only problem : Can't connect through socket/Access denied/Can't connect to server (shared host) PDO only problem Can't connect through socket Access denied Can't connect to server shared host So the problem.. HY000 2002 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket ' var lib mysql mysql.sock' 2 With a simple mysql_connect it.. 2 With a simple mysql_connect it works. And the socket path seems correct both phpinfo and this query show variables..
What is the best way to format messages for queueing?
localhost vs. between Windows and Linux. If you use a unix domain socket it'll be slightly faster than using TCP IP because of the less..
PHP buffer ob_flush() vs. flush() This depends on the backend. But usually FastCGI has a socket buffer on its own. Therefore flush needs to be invoked as well..
Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///tmp/mysql.sock) in reason mysql on OS X gets the locations of the required socket file a bit wrong but thanks to a veritable wizard I know that's.. is as simple as setting up a symbolic link. You may have a socket appearing as a zero length file as tmp mysql.sock or var mysql.. looking in the other location for it. Rather than move the socket and have to edit config files and remember to keep edited files..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise to Apache faster than Apache can actually send it over the socket. For very large files or slow connections this eventually causes..
Using comet with PHP? connection open and send further requests using the same socket. This can save signifigant overhead in creating TCP connections... MPM uses a dedicated thread to handle both the Listening sockets and all sockets that are in a Keep Alive state. Unfortunately.. thread to handle both the Listening sockets and all sockets that are in a Keep Alive state. Unfortunately that doesn't..
Run PHP Task Asynchronously open source message queue. ZeroMQ this is a pretty cool socket library which makes it easy to write distributed code without.. code without having to worry too much about the socket programming itself. You could use it for message queuing on..
How do I make an asynchronous GET request in PHP? fwrite fp out fclose fp What this does is open a socket fire off a get request and immediately close the socket and..
MySQL/PHP Error:[2002] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted to resolve this also this option can be set in .NET Socket class but TcpListener is too high level and doesn't let you..
Is native PHP support for Web Sockets available? native PHP support for Web Sockets available Looking for Hello World Type Example of Web Sockets.. available Looking for Hello World Type Example of Web Sockets Implementation Here is Socket Create reference from World Type Example of Web Sockets Implementation Here is Socket Create reference from but this looks more low level..
running matlab code from php written as C MEX file or a Java class. See Matlab Mex Socket Wrapper Library Writing Java code in Matlab The client being..
Socket transport “ssl” in PHP not enabled transport &ldquo ssl&rdquo in PHP not enabled I'm having trouble..
A PHP Socket Server with Flash Clients PHP Socket Server with Flash Clients How do I implement a PHP Socket Server.. Socket Server with Flash Clients How do I implement a PHP Socket Server I am using PHP5. Is there a ready made framework already.. details Basically I want to serve Flash clients using this Socket Server and this would be running in an Apache Environment. This..
PHP get values from SimpleXMLElement array 0 max_check_attempts string 1 3 output string 42 CRITICAL Socket timeout after 10 seconds perfdata_available string 1 1 service_object_id..
localhost vs. IP as a default whereas Linux tries to use a Unix Domain Socket if you choose localhost and TCP IP if you take ..
http server in php this question Take a look at this article Writing Socket Servers in PHP by Zend Also give a try with Google http
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions single thread. Recent versions of PHP support Libevent and Socket Streams so it is possible to implement such kind of server in.. consider using a more advanced technology such as WebSocket which is supported by the most current browsers or on any platform..
SSL socket php code needs to be converted to Java kmf.getKeyManagers tmf.getTrustManagers null Socket socket sslContext.getSocketFactory .createSocket localhost 4433.. tmf.getTrustManagers null Socket socket sslContext.getSocketFactory .createSocket localhost 4433 BufferedReader in new BufferedReader.. null Socket socket sslContext.getSocketFactory .createSocket localhost 4433 BufferedReader in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable library . It's also good for making stand alone PHP Socket servers clients using the php_sockets.dll extension . It's NOT..
Simple Java TCP Server and PHP Client Problems would be greatly appreciated Java Server protected ServerSocket socket protected final int port 9005 protected Socket connection.. socket protected final int port 9005 protected Socket connection protected String command new String protected String.. String responseString new String socket new ServerSocket port while true open socket connection socket.accept get input..