

php Programming Glossary: socket_create

Sending large packets using php using socket_write


message binary_data No Timeout set_time_limit 0 socket socket_create AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM SOL_UDP or die Could not create socket n..

How do you get the HTTP status code for a remote domain in php?


close r n . r n address gethostbyname host socket socket_create AF_INET SOCK_STREAM SOL_TCP socket_connect socket address port..

PHP Sockets Not Working


gives the error Fatal error Call to undefined function socket_create . Any more configurations to do to enable sockets in php in..

Set a timeout on socket_read


tried SO_RCVTIMEO with no luck. I'm creating a socket with socket_create and listening on it for connections then when connected I listen..

socket_create vs. fsockopen php


vs. fsockopen php The hosting service that I use currently.. the difference is because some scripts that worked with socket_create and even stream_socket_server do not work with fsockopen . That.. not a listening socket. fsockopen address ~ socket_connect socket_create address Your hosting provider doesn't want you listening on..

Wake on lan script that works


6 i packet . chr 255 for i 1 i 16 i packet . hwaddr sock socket_create AF_INET SOCK_DGRAM SOL_UDP if sock options socket_set_option..

PHP and HTML: socket_connect() [function.socket-connect]: unable to connect


examplepassword1 player _POST fname Can't touch this sock socket_create AF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 or die error could not create socket n..

Simple Java TCP Server and PHP Client Problems


not the address I am using port 9005 message Test socket socket_create AF_INET SOCK_STREAM getprotobyname 'tcp' socket_connect socket.. address 'minecraft.kayoticgamer.com' port 9005 socket socket_create AF_INET SOCK_STREAM getprotobyname 'tcp' socket_connect socket..

Issue in setting the socket server


array debug false function WebSocket address port master socket_create AF_INET SOCK_STREAM SOL_TCP or die socket_create failed socket_set_option.. master socket_create AF_INET SOCK_STREAM SOL_TCP or die socket_create failed socket_set_option master SOL_SOCKET SO_REUSEADDR 1 or..