php Programming Glossary: snip
Change fullcalendar event source after load color 'blue' textColor 'white' className 'loads' snip '#fullcalendar' .fullCalendar header left 'title' center 'agendaDay..
Using XAMPP, how do i swap out PHP 5.3 for PHP 5.2? after the line IfModule alias_module add the lines snip IfModule mime_module LoadModule php5_module xampp apache bin..
Mod-Rewrite or PHP router? framework out there now that I think of it. Your second snip of code is the way to go for your rewrite directives. share..
How to remove carriage returns from output of string? at now where it works as long as no r in the output. The snip string mapExcerpt field is where the returns are coming from.. post_title mapIMG get_post_meta post_id 'mapImage' true snip get_post_meta post_id 'mapExcerpt' true lat get_post_meta post_id.. class mapTitle '. mapTitle.' div div class mapContent '. snip.' div div ' trimmed trim pass_to r. var point new GLatLng '..
What is a good way to produce a random “site salt” to be used in creating password retrieval tokens? means the application will use dev urandom . This code snip from Scott is pretty good function crypto_rand_secure min max..
ACL implementation friendly command array get_class this target method snip this acl isAllowed this target getPermissions command Couple..
How should a model be structured in MVC? service. namespace Service class Recognitions snip This is an EXAMPLE not a production level code. Do not copy.. dataMapperFactory build 'Session' state store account snip As you can see at this level of abstraction there is no indication..
Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application? _ in example is protected from application bootstrap.php snip connection new PDO 'sqlite memory ' model_factory new ModelFactory.. controller new SomeController request model_factory snip controller action snip controller does not need to be aware.. request model_factory snip controller action snip controller does not need to be aware of database connection...
What is so wrong with extract()? this scenario extract someArray could be _POST or anything snip a dozen or more lines echo someVariable Where did someVariable..