php Programming Glossary: sanitize
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? rid of mysql_ and escaping. Fix or remove any oldschool sanitize function Once you have converted all mysql_ calls to pdo_query.. calls. In particular you should fix any sanitize or clean or filterThis or clean_data functions as advertised.. by dated tutorials in one form or the other function sanitize str return trim strip_tags htmlentities pdo_real_escape_string..
Sanitizing user's data in GET by PHP user's data in GET by PHP How do you sanitize data in _GET variables by PHP I sanitize only one variable in.. PHP How do you sanitize data in _GET variables by PHP I sanitize only one variable in GET by strip_tags . I am not sure whether.. in GET by strip_tags . I am not sure whether I should sanitize everything or not because last time in putting data to Postgres..
Can PHP PDO Statements accept the table name as parameter? in PDO. In that case you will simply want to filter and sanitize the data manually. One way to do this is to pass in shorthand..
Magic quotes in PHP Magic quotes are inherently broken. They were meant to sanitize input to the PHP script but without knowing how that input will.. knowing how that input will be used it's impossible to sanitize correctly. If anything you're better off checking if magic quotes..
Good tutorial on how to update your Mysql database with a PHP form? [closed] via this script. Also worth noting is that you'll want to sanitize your data before even allowing the script to run if it's not..
Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe? additional filename characters @return string function sanitize string '' is_filename FALSE Replace all weird characters with..
Understanding MVC: Whats the concept of “Fat” on models, “Skinny” on controllers? function fooAction if isset _GET 'bar' bar Sanitizer sanitize _GET 'bar' rows this database query 'SELECT from table' try.. the rows. Also the controller does not necessarily have to sanitize the value. As for Q2 and Q3 please see my answer to Can I call..
What are the best PHP input sanitizing functions? you insert data into the database that's when you need to sanitize. Every single database API does it differently. You've already.. the very act of filling in the placeholder automatically sanitizes the data for you. If you're working with MySQL check out the.. unless you know it contains only safe or pre sanitized HTML. Overall you need to remember to use the right type of..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php variable _POST like this bar _POST 'bar' Note Always sanitize posted data to prevent injections and other malicious code...
PHP - rmdir (permission denied)
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> this question Ok let's do some bounty hunting Step 0 Sanitize example As already mentioned your example data is broken as..
How do I convert a script using mysql_ functions to use mysqli_ functions? . con mysqli_connect host username password dbname Sanitize user input Using mysqli_real_escape_string is very similar to..
codeigniter multiple file upload error_hold i 'upload_invalid_dimensions' Sanitize the file name for security CI upload file_name CI upload clean_file_name..
Sanitize file path in PHP file path in PHP Greetings I'm hoping to make my tiny program..
setting scope of array_map php back to the scope of the static method in the class like Sanitize stripSlashesRecursive Im sure this is simple but i just cant..
Where to sanitize PHP $_POST[] input? controller class construct you have available for it. Sanitize data where it is used . If incoming data is used in a exec call..
Where can I find a web-project “security checklist?” I.e. Cross Site Scripting Cross Site Request Forgery Sanitize form data that goes into database Disable register globals and..
Regular Expression Sanitize (PHP) Expression Sanitize PHP I would like to sanitize a string in to a URL so this is..
Sanitize user defined CSS in PHP user defined CSS in PHP I want to allow users to use their..
PHP Security - Sanitize & Clean Security Sanitize Clean I have a built a script around class.upload from http..
PHP -Sanitize values of a array Sanitize values of a array I have a array which comes from _POST and..
hidden field in php Feel free to use my routine https niczak PHP Sanitize Post blob master sanitize.php Cheers share improve this answer..
CakePHP conditional query with controller that 'hasAndBelongsToMany' 'alias' ArticlesTag 'conditions' array Sanitize clean tag_words 'order' null 'group' ArticlesTag.article_id..
how can convert $files contain to array? error_hold i 'upload_invalid_dimensions' Sanitize the file name for security CI upload file_name CI upload clean_file_name..