php Programming Glossary: s2
Detect future duplicate values while iterating through MySQL results in PHP as wins below select s1.team_id t.division_id sum s1.score s2.score tot_wins select count from wins where team_id s1.team_id.. join teams t on s1.team_id t.team_id left join scoreboard s2 on s1.year s2.year and s1.week s2.week and s1.playoffs s2.playoffs.. on s1.team_id t.team_id left join scoreboard s2 on s1.year s2.year and s1.week s2.week and s1.playoffs s2.playoffs and s1.game_id..
difference between two strings in python/php can be used to do this. import difflib s1 abcdefghijklmnop s2 abcdefghi s difflib.SequenceMatcher a s1 b s2 for block in s.get_matching_blocks.. s2 abcdefghi s difflib.SequenceMatcher a s1 b s2 for block in s.get_matching_blocks print match at a d and b..
Really PHP? “Argument 1 passed to my_function() must be an instance of string, string given” to illustrate further class string n 1234 s1 string n s2 new string a array 'no' 'yes' printf s1 primitive string s string.. instance s n a is_string s1 a is_a s1 'string' printf s2 primitive string s string instance s n a is_string s2 a is_a.. s2 primitive string s string instance s n a is_string s2 a is_a s2 'string' Output s1 primitive string yes string instance..
Levenshtein: MySQL + PHP by Jason Rust CREATE FUNCTION levenshtein s1 VARCHAR 255 s2 VARCHAR 255 RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE s1_len s2_len.. VARCHAR 255 RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE s1_len s2_len i j c c_temp cost INT DECLARE s1_char CHAR max strlen 255.. DECLARE cv0 cv1 VARBINARY 256 SET s1_len CHAR_LENGTH s1 s2_len CHAR_LENGTH s2 cv1 0x00 j 1 i 1 c 0 IF s1 s2 THEN RETURN..
Java SHA256 outputs different hash to PHP SHA256? Charset.forName UTF 8 byte hashed md.digest String s2 for byte b hashed s2 b System.out.println s2 Java output 51.. UTF 8 byte hashed md.digest String s2 for byte b hashed s2 b System.out.println s2 Java output 51 1312107528211839 117.. String s2 for byte b hashed s2 b System.out.println s2 Java output 51 1312107528211839 117 19 57 68 19 39 43884791..
Why need to use JSON in php and AJAX with s1. ajax php mysql this with what disadvantages and s2. ajax php mysql json this with what advantages I mean my focus..
SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS / FOUND_ROWS() does not work in PHP sql query 'select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS from db limit 0 3' s2 sql query 'select FOUND_ROWS ' if row s2 fetch_row printf '.. db limit 0 3' s2 sql query 'select FOUND_ROWS ' if row s2 fetch_row printf ' d d' s1 num_rows row 0 On my WinXP dev station..
How best to get someone's 'rank' from a scores table with php and mysql without looping question SELECT s1.initials SELECT COUNT FROM scores AS s2 WHERE s2.score s1.score 1 AS rank FROM scores AS s1 share.. SELECT s1.initials SELECT COUNT FROM scores AS s2 WHERE s2.score s1.score 1 AS rank FROM scores AS s1 share improve this..