php Programming Glossary: safari
How can I select and upload multiple files with HTML and PHP, using HTTP POST? file multiple form body html Here's what it looks like in Safari after selecting 3 items in the file dialog share improve this..
Can I serve MP3 files with PHP? print file_get_contents track else echo no file I'm using Safari which can play MP3 files. It's kicking Safari into the right.. I'm using Safari which can play MP3 files. It's kicking Safari into the right mode I get the Quicktime controls for a few seconds..
PHP Script in IFRAME Blocks Other Code if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new.. if window.XMLHttpRequest code for IE7 Firefox Chrome Opera Safari xmlhttp new XMLHttpRequest else code for IE6 IE5 xmlhttp new..
How to prevent my site page to be loaded via 3rd party site frame of iFrame header with the minimum version IE8 and IE9 Opera 10.50 Safari 4 Chrome Firefox 3.6.9 older versions with NoScript..
Randomly Losing Session Variables Only In Google Chrome & URL Rewriting 2.0.54 . The website works perfectly fine in IE7 8 Firefox Safari Opera. The issue is only with Google Chrome. I narrowed down..
Is there an equivalent for var_dump (PHP) in Javascript? and that will sort you out no worries on Firefox. Chrome Safari both have a built in developer console which has an almost identical..
PHP mobile browser detection? accurate detection of at the VERY least Android Mobile Safari and Blackberry browsers along with alternatives like Opera...
PHP buffer why \r\n of r n the script will not execute properly in Chrome or Safari it just dumps all the values at once . Additionally if this..
How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE 9.27 and below safari 2 html first child #cinco color red Safari 2 3 html xmlns body last child #seis color red safari 3 chrome.. screen and max device width 480px #veintiseis color red Safari 2 3.1 html xmlns root #trece color red Safari 2 3.1 Opera 9.25.. color red Safari 2 3.1 html xmlns root #trece color red Safari 2 3.1 Opera 9.25 html xmlns #catorce color red Everything but..
How to select multiple files for upload? the syntax input type file multiple Firefox 3.6 Chrome 2 Safari 4 support multiple file input. For older browsers the only good..
Detect exact OS version from browser Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex. And here's what Firefox and Safari 4 Beta report on my MacBook Pro Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh U Intel.. en us AppleWebKit 528.16 KHTML like Gecko Version 4.0 Safari 528.16 Windows browsers on the other hand usually only report..
PHP Headless Browser? [closed] built on WebKit. WebKit is the engine behind Chrome and Safari. Details http p wkhtmltopdf Example of integration..
Bad Request. Connecting to sites via curl on host and system AppleWebKit 535.19 KHTML like Gecko Chrome 18.0.1017.2 Safari 535.19 Accept text html application xhtml xml application xml.. AppleWebKit 535.19 KHTML like Gecko Chrome 18.0.1017.2 Safari 535.19' 'Accept text html application xhtml xml application.. AppleWebKit 535.19 KHTML like Gecko Chrome 18.0.1017.2 Safari 535.19 Accept text html application xhtml xml application xml..
Get operating system info with PHP ' msie i' 'Internet Explorer' ' firefox i' 'Firefox' ' safari i' 'Safari' ' chrome i' 'Chrome' ' opera i' 'Opera' ' netscape..
How do I detect Mobile Safari server side using PHP? sized image thumbnails. php iphone optimization mobile safari share improve this question Compare the user agent string..
retrieve the hash in the url with php? but that isnt working with firefox and its too slow in safari the html will show first so one has to refresh the page a second..
Idiot-proof, cross-browser force download in PHP WORK tested confirmed in IE6 7 8 FF3 Opera Chrome and safari on PC Mac Linux... I don't really care that's for header part..
Safari Back button not honouring PHP logout session in the first place. Thanks Steve php session button safari back share improve this question Ensure that any page you..
Webkit and Excel file(PHPexcel) example NAME.xlsx well it works in firefox but in webkit safari chrome it appends to the name also the extension .xhtml so then..
Get users OS and version number ' msie i' 'Internet Explorer' ' firefox i' 'Firefox' ' safari i' 'Safari' ' chrome i' 'Chrome' ' opera i' 'Opera' ' netscape..
Detect iPhone Browser JavaScript. Thanks... php javascript iphone html mobile safari share improve this question searching on the net there are..
How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE IE 6 7 html body #cuatro color red Opera 9.27 and below safari 2 html first child #cinco color red Safari 2 3 html xmlns body.. red Safari 2 3 html xmlns body last child #seis color red safari 3 chrome 1 opera9 ff 3.5 body nth of type 1 #siete color red.. chrome 1 opera9 ff 3.5 body nth of type 1 #siete color red safari 3 chrome 1 opera9 ff 3.5 body first of type #ocho color red..
Recommendation? for our specific HTML -> PDF project of CSS3 CSS3 property transform i.e. this for firefox safari chrome etc. webkit transform rotate 90deg moz transform rotate..
Doctype problem displaying SVG with Safari circle cx 250 cy 250 r 238.048 svg body html php xhtml safari svg share improve this question The reason .xhtml works..
Detect between the iPad and iPad2 via Jquery / Javascript? doubt there is much difference between the versions of safari perhaps your just looking to notify the user that one has more..
Safari embeded SVG doctype html file. I'm just wondering what doctype I need to make safari draw embeded SVG properly like chrome and firefox This is how.. clip path url # id img.node.setAttribute class id php safari svg doctype clipping share improve this question You say..