php Programming Glossary: save.php
Insert Backbone.js model into MySQL database defaults and an url var Box Backbone.Model.extend url . save.php defaults x 0 y 0 w 1 h 1 Then I have an instance of this model.. save this model into a MySQL database using a PHP script save.php it goes like this php include 'connection.php' id _POST 'cid'..
Save Google charts as a image 'type' 'text javascript' script.setAttribute 'src' 'save.php data ' imgdata document.head.appendChild script function save.. ctx.closePath ctx.stroke ctx.fill drawOnCanvas Test save save.php php Get the request data _GET 'data' Save to your DB. share..
How to run a PHP file in a scheduled task (Windows Task Scheduler) Apache Software Foundation Apache2.2 htdocs WEB 4w_website save.php Start in C Program Files Apache Software Foundation Apache2.2..
Load multiple files using HTML5 and PHP show me a working solution Thanks. index.html form action 'save.php' method 'post' enctype 'multipart form data' input name uploads.. multiple input type 'submit' value Upload File form save.php function GetFiles files array fdata _FILES uploads if is_array..
Read associative array from json in $_POST to post a json object to my php application. save.php JSON.stringify dataToSend function data alert data The json.. avoid to use JSON.stringify and json_decode save.php dataToSend function data alert data And php echo _POST 'page'.. ... but if your really want to use them then save.php json JSON.stringify dataToSend function data alert data And..