php Programming Glossary: sales
Exporting data from php to excel Annual report setSubject Sales setDescription Annual sales report by John Doe setCategory Finance Choose one of sheets..
Fetch specific tag with an attribute value from XML result response I need to show only the name of the sales order owner name which are storing under FL val Sales Order.. array and then try to access. My code is like foreach xml_sales result SalesOrders row as t foreach t FL as rr echo rr. br .. br Which is showing all FL values. After editing file_sales_content https crm private xml SalesOrders getRecords..
What type of webservice works best with iOS? app for the iPhone and iPad that will keep track of sales calls the associated quotes photos and drawings for those quotes...
How to generate an Excel document with multiple worksheets from PHP? objPHPExcel new PHPExcel Create a first sheet representing sales data objPHPExcel setActiveSheetIndex 0 objPHPExcel getActiveSheet..
ACL implementation of values check for different conditions implement sales rules and do all the rest what you would call business logic..
PHP framework for building e-commerce site? [closed] interface that shows you graphical statistics of your sales and helps you forcast sales simple and logical payment api systems.. graphical statistics of your sales and helps you forcast sales simple and logical payment api systems which allow you to add..
Magento - How do I add an invoice fee to an order during checkout process add your fee to the grand total. In the config node global sales quote total add a new entry see app code core Mage Sales etc.. the config.xml add the following to global ... fieldsets sales_convert_quote payment_fee to_order to_order payment_fee sales_convert_quote.. payment_fee to_order to_order payment_fee sales_convert_quote fieldsets Create the model to calculate the fee...
how can i delete test order from magento cart shopping share improve this question go to admin sales orders write down your test orders incremental ids for example.. foreach test_order_ids as id try Mage getModel 'sales order' loadByIncrementId id delete echo order # . id. is removed..
Convert SVG image to PNG with PHP you can see an example here I did for a former employer's sales territory map Start http wikipedia commons..
Magento: adding duties/taxes to a quote during review is created you need add it to configuration config global sales quote totals your_total_code class your_module total_custom.. after shipping after your_total_code totals quote sales global config class node contains the class alias of your collector.. from quote address to order during the order placement sales_convert_quote_address base_your_attribute_code to_order to_order..
PHP: Fatal Error: Allowed Memory Size of 134217728 Bytes Exhausted (CodeIgniter + XML-RPC) point of sale POS systems that periodically send new sales data to one centralized database which stores the data into.. a module that uses the standard XML RPC library to send sales data to the service. The server system is built on CodeIgniter.. for the webservice component. Whenever I send a lot of sales data as little as 50 rows from the sales table and individual..
Running AMP (apache mysql php) on Android idea is to have a local version of the online store that sales reps can use when selling to wholesale customers that will store..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input value should be displayed on any and all invoices orders sales emails. I want to control output with a template or at least.. item How do I display this value on the order invoice sales emails and such pages How do I filter an order collection to.. can run this code on a catalog product model and probably sales quote_item as well during events such as sales_quote_item_qty_set_after..
Exporting data from php to excel John Doe setTitle Annual report setSubject Sales setDescription Annual sales report by John Doe setCategory..
Monthly Bill Payment Workflow consist of entities such as Invoices Credit Memos Sales Receipts Refunds and Payments. There are others. Depending on.. only one ledger entry a credit for the credit memo amount Sales Receipts charge a customer and collect money the net effect..
Fetch specific tag with an attribute value from XML version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 response uri crm private xml SalesOrders getRecords result SalesOrders row no 1 FL val SALESORDERID.. response uri crm private xml SalesOrders getRecords result SalesOrders row no 1 FL val SALESORDERID 580005000000187001 FL FL.. Number CDATA 580005000000187002 FL FL val Subject CDATA Sales order test from sri 02 FL FL val Due Date CDATA 2013 03 10..
Magento - How do I add an invoice fee to an order during checkout process sales quote total add a new entry see app code core Mage Sales etc config.xml for more examples paymentFee class yourmodule.. extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Abstract public function __construct.. this setCode 'paymentFee' public function collect Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address address Check the payment method in use..
Magento: save custom address attribute in checkout 135 now i need to do also the same in app code core Mage Sales etc config.xml but now should look like this sales_copy_order_billing_address..
How can i parse this json data? br br http wiki Benny_Benassi br br Pre Sales Highly Encouraged Get them NOW before ticket prices increase...
Get error while editing Customers from back end in Magento error a 5 i 0 s 825 Invalid method Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_View_Tab_History isCustomerNotificationNotApplicable Array.. sales order view tab history.phtml 38 Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_View_Tab_History isCustomerNotificationNotApplicable Array.. getTabContent Object Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_View_Tab_History #9 home wpfsl public_html app code core..