php Programming Glossary: samples
When do I use the PHP constant “PHP_EOL”? it a good idea to use PHP_EOL I sometimes see this in code samples of PHP. Does this handle DOS Mac Unix endline issues Most of..
PHP Script in IFRAME Blocks Other Code to JavaScript. Would you be so kind and analyze my code samples please I have no idea where is my problem. My code is so simple..
What's the best way to create a single-file upload form using PHP? a single file upload form using PHP I've found a few samples online but I'd like to get feedback from people who use PHP..
I never really understood: what is CGI? in C to supplement your understanding with actual code samples. I've also added these links to this tutorial to Wikipedia's..
How to implement Gmail OAuth API to send email (especially via SMTP)? folder maybe it does not exist' in path to xoauth php samples Zend Mail Storage Imap.php 467 Stack trace #0 path to xoauth.. Storage Imap.php 467 Stack trace #0 path to xoauth php samples Zend Mail Storage Imap.php 248 Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap selectFolder.. selectFolder 'INBOX' #1 path to xoauth php samples three legged.php 184 Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap __construct Object..
How do I resize pngs with transparency in PHP? pngs with transparent backgrounds in PHP and the code samples I've found online don't work for me. Here's the code I'm using..
PHP get index of last inserted item in array item. Why is this difficult See the following two code samples a array echo 'res '. a 'aaa' .' '. count a 1 .' br ' echo 'res..
mysqli giving “Commands out of sync” error - why? time in which using mysqli_multi_query but for all the samples and general data in the guide does not seem to be applicable...
Speeding up large numbers of mysql updates and inserts that's just to hopefully help explain . Here are some samples from profiling the requests SELECT `habitable_planets`. FROM..
How to SFTP with PHP? in PHP. Does PHP support fot SFTP I couldn't find samples. Can anyone help me with this php sftp share improve this..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? Keep this in mind when you're looking at the code samples out there. I'm going to start with your first question showing..
Youtube API - Extract video ID I am using PHP ... I would appreciate any pointers code samples in this regard. Thanks php youtube share improve this question..
Build a tree from a flat array in PHP I'm trying to get my flat array into a tree. The other samples I have found only only copy the element to the parent but the..
PHP: How do you determine every Nth iteration of a loop? 3 are correct but now it doesn't loop web design samples testing.php php html loops share improve this question ..