php Programming Glossary: sad
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? solution out of it because they are too localized. That is sad because once you understood the root cause fixing the error..
Antidote for magic_quotes_gpc()? I've seen dozens of PHP snippets like that too. It's a bit sad. Magic quotes are an input issue. It has to be fixed at the..
How do I construct a cross database query in PHP? to tell PHP what db I want to access. This also makes sad since I don't want to go through all my code and prepend a db..
Use case for output buffering as the correct solution to “headers already sent” with output buffering is a stopgap measure. The really sad funny part of this solution is what happens when you want to..
How to make PoEdit correctly parse custom “ngettext” implementation? has hardcoded the ngettext keyword that would be really sad. Anyway is there any way to make PoEdit or any other similar..
PHP and the goto statement to be added in PHP 5.3 Seeing as this question induced a lot of bad things to be sad about the goto statement I went and asked my father. He's 52..
.htaccess deny files in subfolders consider removing all .htaccess it's bad it's slow it's sad that you do not have access to the real configuration files..
Emoticon Replacement - PHP 8 ^ private laugh array D D D 8 D x D X D D D 3 8 private sad array c c . . . private wink array D ^ private tongue array.. img class smiley src images emoticons laugh.png private t_sad img class smiley src images emoticons sad.png private t_wink.. private t_sad img class smiley src images emoticons sad.png private t_wink img class smiley src images emoticons wink.png..