php Programming Glossary: sane
Asynchronous HTTP requests in PHP HTTP requests in PHP Is there any sane way to make a HTTP request asynchronously in PHP without throwing..
Has anyone seen php encryption like this? [closed] I just used javascript to translate it to something sane. var source '...' var decoded source.replace x a f0 9 a f0 9..
Where can I learn web programming from start to mastery? for neater code. It will make you a better and more sane coder in the long run. Another thing I used to do was look at..
What are the best PHP input sanitizing functions? in. Unless you know that the data is completely safe and sane numbers pulled from a database for example you should run pretty..
PEAR directory problem on Windows . All paths I entered during PEAR installation were sane and the only place I can find C php5 is in PEAR go pear.phar..
PHP CLI: How to read a single character of input from the TTY (without waiting for the enter key)? the original state you can reset it back to a default sane configuration simply by doing php Make lots of drastic changes..
How to tell if a session is active? E_NOTICE if you already have a session active. Is there a sane way to check if a session is currently active without having..
Encoding cookies so they cannot be spoofed or read etc id and all of a sudden you're out of disk space assuming a sane disk . Folder space Each session takes one file in one folder...
Minifying final HTML output using regular expressions with CodeIgniter string is too large to handle Set PCRE recursion limit to sane value STACKSIZE 500 ini_set pcre.recursion_limit 524 256KB stack...
How can I correctly write an RFC 4180 CSV file with PHP? including those for separator and quote. parseCSV seems sane enough PHP CSV Utils is linked quite a bit though the new blog..
PHP 5.4 - 'closure $this support' no consensus could be reached how to implement it in a sane fashion. This RFC describes the possible roads that can be taken..
Use keyword in functions - PHP [duplicate] what is the Function &ldquo Use&rdquo Identifier Should a sane programmer use it I've been examining the Closures in PHP and..
Can IP change during session? it all depends on how the state is held. The most sane approach is to use a cookie which allows you to connect from..
JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array() needle return true return false If you are dealing with a sane amount of array elements the above will do the trick nicely...
Headers already sent by PHP whitespace and BOM issues phptags whitespace .php It's sane to use on a whole include or project directory. Whitespace after..
Reaching 100% Code Coverage with PHPUnit to strive for. It's just not always achievable with a sane amount of effort and it's not always important to do so The..
Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2 images devil.png I have made a test with ALL possible sane combinations of the following @notation relative notation parse..
How to get xdebug var_dump to show full object/array These are configurable variables in php.ini with sane limits xdebug.var_display_max_depth 5 xdebug.var_display_max_children..