php Programming Glossary: savepath
limiting the checking condition while uploading swf files php swf share improve this question you can try savePath PATH_TO_SAVE errors array output array if isset _FILES 'item_swf'.. fileName Wrong File dimention continue if file_exists savePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . fileName errors fileName File Exist.. errors fileName File Exist continue if is_writable savePath errors fileName File Destination not writeable if count errors..
Unable to do File Upload in PHP a working script You can try php output array errors array savePath uploaded PATH to upload images allowedExt array png jpg if isset.. if fileSize 800 1024 errors File Too large if is_writable savePath errors File Destination not writeable fileDst savePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.. savePath errors File Destination not writeable fileDst savePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . fileName filePrifix basename fileName..
Resizing the image in php for viewing purposes only newWidth newHeight ## public function saveImage savePath imageQuality 100 Get extension extension strrchr savePath.. imageQuality 100 Get extension extension strrchr savePath '.' extension strtolower extension switch extension case.. if imagetypes IMG_JPG imagejpeg this imageResized savePath imageQuality break case '.gif' if imagetypes IMG_GIF ..