php Programming Glossary: ri
PHP webpage doesn't launch unix command even after updated sudoers permitted and in var log messages I get Sep 22 15 01 56 ri kernel audit 1222063316.536 777 avc denied getattr for pid 4851.. var dev dm 0 ino 114241 scontext root system_r httpd_sys_script_t tcontext system_u object_r var_t tclass dir Sep 22 15 01.. system_u object_r var_t tclass dir Sep 22 15 01 56 ri kernel audit 1222063316.549 778 avc denied setrlimit for pid..
PHP - Deleting Directory Contents & SubDirectory Contents dir FilesystemIterator SKIP_DOTS ri new RecursiveIteratorIterator di RecursiveIteratorIterator CHILD_FIRST.. di RecursiveIteratorIterator CHILD_FIRST foreach ri as file file isDir rmdir file unlink file share improve this..
require_once(); Invalid argument error [duplicate] classes require_once LIB_PATH.DS.'user.php' Whenever i tried to run this code by typing in my address bar localhost photo_gallery..
Simplest way to detect a mobile device Here is a source Detect Mobile Browser Download PHP script Code php useragent _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' if preg_match.. blazer compal elaine fennec hiptop iemobile ip hone od iris kindle lge maemo midp mmp netfront opera m ob in i palm os.. m ob in i palm os phone p ixi re plucker pocket psp series 4 6 0 symbian treo up . browser link vodafone wap windows..
how to enable process control extension (PCNTL) in PHP MAMP? This creates a bunch of files that are needed for preparing a extension for compiling. We now need to add some flags to.. added just run Applications MAMP bin php php5.3.6 bin php ri pcntl pcntl pcntl support enabled If you see that it's worked..