php Programming Glossary: rev
How to sort an array of arrays in php? function named_records_sort named_recs order_by rev false flags 0 Create 1 dimensional named array with just sortfield.. 1 dimensional array maintaining key value relations if reverse arsort named_hash flags 0 else asort named_hash flags 0.. function show_sorted_records named_recs order_by rev false flags 0 sorted_records named_records_sort named_recs order_by..
How to parse Wikipedia XML with PHP? gaplimit 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects gapfrom Re prop revisions rvprop content format xml Edit code php define EMAIL_ADDRESS.. gaplimit 2 gapfilterredir nonredirects gapfrom Re prop revisions rvprop content format xml xml curl_exec ch xml_reader.. xml_reader xml xml UTF 8 echo xml api query pages page rev php xml mediawiki mediawiki api share improve this question..
php to reverse a string without using loops or builtin functions to reverse a string without using loops or builtin functions How would.. functions How would you write a short php function to reverse a string. The function must have only one argument not use.. have only one argument not use the built in function 'strrev' or 'array_reverse' not a use a looping construct like 'for'..
PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself case D enc base64_decode enc break case R enc strrev enc break case I enc this InvertCase enc break if this.. t break case D t base64_decode t break case R t strrev t break case I t this InvertCase t break if this Bug echo.. this Pattern if we need it function PatternFlip pattern reverse the pattern str strrev pattern ar explode str foreach ar..
How to display current working copy version of an hg repository on a PHP page snippet to my site's footer which displays the current revision number both decimal and hex as well as perhaps the current.. hgrc you'd put something like this hooks post update hg id rev VERSION hg id id VERSION then you can access that file from..