php Programming Glossary: retval
Insert large amount of variables into table using PDO pdo prepare sql false die print_r pdo errorInfo true if retval stmt execute values false die print_r stmt errorInfo true return..
How do I remove a directory that is not empty? deleteDirectory dir system 'rm rf ' . escapeshellarg dir retval return retval 0 UNIX commands return zero on success share.. dir system 'rm rf ' . escapeshellarg dir retval return retval 0 UNIX commands return zero on success share improve this..
How do I check for valid (not dead) links programatically using PHP? set timeout curl_setopt_array ch opts curl_exec ch do it retval curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE 200 check if HTTP OK curl_close.. 200 check if HTTP OK curl_close ch close handle return retval However there's a ton of possible optimizations You might want..
how to iterate over non-English file names in PHP int type 8 void tsrm_ls 0x028a15c0 _zval_struct retval 0x00000000 int file_count 3 ... Line 1188 0x21 bytes C php5ts_debug.dll..
Does PHP flush work with jQuerys ajax? type get url url data postdata success function retval jQuery '#retdiv .html retval php jquery ajax flush share.. postdata success function retval jQuery '#retdiv .html retval php jquery ajax flush share improve this question Here..
writing exif data in php function iptc_make_tag rec data value length strlen value retval chr 0x1C . chr rec . chr data ... I haven't come across a function.. function iptc_maketag rec data value length strlen value retval chr 0x1C . chr rec . chr data if length 0x8000 retval . chr.. retval chr 0x1C . chr rec . chr data if length 0x8000 retval . chr length 8 . chr length 0xFF else retval . chr 0x80 ...
Simple Twitter Oauth authorization asking for credentials every time EpiOAuthResponse resp public function getAuthorizationUrl retval this authorizeUrl token this getRequestToken return this authorizeUrl.. strtolower urlParts 'host' port intval urlParts 'port' retval scheme host if port 0 scheme 'http' port 80 scheme 'https' port.. if port 0 scheme 'http' port 80 scheme 'https' port 443 retval . port retval . urlParts 'path' if empty urlParts 'query' ..
wkhtmltopdf error in apache log 500000 status Xvfb dev null echo_success echo_failure RETVAL if RETVAL eq 0 then bin touch var lock subsys Xvfb sbin pidof.. status Xvfb dev null echo_success echo_failure RETVAL if RETVAL eq 0 then bin touch var lock subsys Xvfb sbin pidof o PPID x.. echo n Shutting down X Virtual Frame Buffer killproc PROG RETVAL RETVAL eq 0 bin rm f var lock subsys Xvfb var run echo..