php Programming Glossary: rewind
Using php, how to insert text without overwriting to the beginning of a text file in using file_get_conents . In this case consider using rewind file which sets the file position indicator for handle to the.. to the beginning of the file stream. Note when using rewind not to open the file with the a or a options as If you have..
PHP file cannot enter some part of code to the first element @link http manual en iterator.rewind.php @return void Any returned value is ignored. public function.. void Any returned value is ignored. public function rewind this fetch Count of rows. @link http manual en countable.count.php..
Testing if a network in cidr notation overlaps another network public function next this iteratorOffset public function rewind this iteratorOffset 0 public function valid return this iteratorOffset..
Some characters in CSV file are not read during PHP fgetcsv() thusly fp fopen 'php memory' 'rw' fwrite fp string string rewind fp while line fgetcsv fp FALSE ... share improve this answer..
Why must I rewind IteratorIterator must I rewind IteratorIterator arrayIter new ArrayIterator array 1 2 iterIter.. var_dump arrayIter valid true If I first call iterIter rewind then iterIter valid is true. I'm curious why it requires that.. iterIter valid is true. I'm curious why it requires that rewind be called. I imagine there's good reason for it but I would..
Is it possible to rewind a PDO result? it possible to rewind a PDO result I'm trying to write an iterator for results from.. results from a PDO statement but I can't find any way of rewinding to the first row. I would like to avoid the overhead of calling..
Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP ... As for the iterators foreach is equivalent to it rewind while it valid key it key If using the key value syntax value..
PHP array combinations else this s string s this n strlen this s this k k this rewind function key return this pos function current r array for i.. next if this _next this pos else this pos 1 function rewind this c range 0 this k this pos 0 function valid return this..
next element in a associative php array reset array while list key value each array ... Reset rewind the array pointer to the first element each returns the current..
Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP getInnerIterator return this iterator public function rewind this iterator rewind public function valid return this iterator.. return this iterator public function rewind this iterator rewind public function valid return this iterator valid public function..
mysql_data_seek pdo equivalent [duplicate] question already has an answer here Is it possible to rewind a PDO result 4 answers Which is the equivalent of mysql_data_seek..
How to get body of a POST in php? 'php temp' 'r ' stream_copy_to_stream rawInput tempStream rewind tempStream return tempStream php temp allows you to manage memory..
Bad Request. Connecting to sites via curl on host and system CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL echo Verbose information n pre rewind verbose htmlspecialchars stream_get_contents verbose pre n curl_close..
Getting content body from http post using php CURL content curl_exec handle echo Verbose information n rewind verbose stream_get_contents verbose n curl_close handle echo..