php Programming Glossary: rewritebase
How can I use .htaccess to hide .php URL extensions? MultiViews # Turn mod_rewrite on RewriteEngine On RewriteBase # To externally redirect dir foo.php to dir foo RewriteCond..
How to: URL re-writing in PHP? on URL rewriting RewriteEngine On # Installation directory RewriteBase rootDir # Protect application and system files from being viewed..
Compile a referenced LESS file into CSS with PHP automatically .htaccess file. IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteRule ^ ^. .less compilers lessphp.php file 1 R QSA L..
How to implement “Maintenance Mode” on already established website Maintenance Mode. Three assorted examples RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteCond REMOTE_ADDR ^11 .111 .111 .111 RewriteCond REQUEST_URI..
mod_rewrite to remove .php but still serve the .php file? using SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development RewriteEngine on RewriteBase # Always use www. RewriteCond HTTP_HOST ^mysite .com NC RewriteRule.. here's the final set of mod_rewrite magic RewriteEngine on RewriteBase ## Always use www. RewriteCond HTTP_HOST ^mysite .com NC RewriteRule..
How do I remove 'index.php' from URL in CodeIgniter? your purpose . IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase #'system' can be replaced if you have renamed your system folder...
Rewrite to “pretty URL”? [closed] company AAA001 Options FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteBase RewriteRule company . . company.php 1 2 ErrorDocument 404 php..
mod_rewrite, php and the .htaccess file rewrite everything to a handling script RewriteEngine on RewriteBase # only rewrite if the requested file doesn't exist RewriteCond..
php : SEO friendly urls once you make sure mod_rewrite is enabled RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME..
Remove index.php From URL - Codeigniter 2 I have tried using IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteCond REQUEST_URI ^system. RewriteRule ^ . index.php 1.. ^ . . index.php 1 L IfModule I've also tried it without RewriteBase in. I have changed the config 'uri_protocol' to REQUEST_URI..
htaccess rewrite if redirected file exists one in the second http. I've made some progress I added RewriteBase and removed the before the 1 but I still get the too many redirects..
CodeIgniter PHP Apache 500 Internal Server Error server this is my .htacces file content. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase ezgov RewriteCond REQUEST_URI ^system. RewriteRule ^ . index.php..
Redirect with CodeIgniter [closed] ttnf RewriteRule . http ttnf 1 R 301 L RewriteBase ttnf RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME..
Edit .htaccess with PHP .htaccess that maps a domain to a folder. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase # redirect mapped domain ReWriteCond HTTP_HOST
Remove 'index.php' from URL with .htaccess MultiViews # Turn mod_rewrite on RewriteEngine On RewriteBase RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME f RewriteCond REQUEST_FILENAME..
Remove index.php in codeigniter 2.1.0 .htaccess file IfModule mod_rewrite.c RewriteEngine On RewriteBase #Removes access to the system folder by users. #Additionally..
Remove .php extension (explicitly written) for friendly URL [closed] the .php extension of my site's files. RewriteEngine on RewriteBase RewriteCond SCRIPT_FILENAME d RewriteCond SCRIPT_FILENAME f..